New York Times touts ghosts

Well, well, well. . . here we have a big article from the New York Times that touts ghosts, implicitly assumes that they exist and haunt houses, and tells readers how to live with them. Save for one barely noticeable caveat about naturalistic explanations for one “ghostly” phenomenon, you will find no doubt about ghosts, … Continue reading New York Times touts ghosts

The Globe and Mail touts tarot readings

According to Wikipedia, The Globe and Mail (G&M), is regarded as Canada’s “newspaper of record”. Well, I rarely read it, but know from articles that readers send me that, unlike America’s Newspaper of Record (the NYT, of course) it has a mildly conservative slant. But like the NYT, the G&M has a weakness for woo, … Continue reading The Globe and Mail touts tarot readings

Jesus will fix everything—if the resurrection happened!

Anglican priest Tish Harrison Warren continues to proselytize for Jesus in the op-ed section of the New York Times, but this time she does it by proxy—by interviewing one of her friends who was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer. Click on the screenshot to read:   Now I don’t want to be too hard on … Continue reading Jesus will fix everything—if the resurrection happened!

New York Times profiles a medium who channels Jesus for the benefit of celebrities

Sweet Ceiling Cat in a chicken basket! As Greg and I have written several times, the New York Times has in the last couple of years become very soft on spirituality, woo, and the occult, especially on astrology. Well, it’s gone extra far this time by publishing a very long profile in its “Style” section … Continue reading New York Times profiles a medium who channels Jesus for the benefit of celebrities

Unbelievable osculation of religion at the New York Times

As John McWhorter begins his biweekly “Newsletter” for the New York Times (and there are some newsletters by others that look good), we also see the onset of one that promises to be much more dire. Author Tish Harrison Warren, according to her online bio, is truly washed in the blood in the lamb, and … Continue reading Unbelievable osculation of religion at the New York Times

Monday: Hili dialogue

It’s Monday, July 3, 2023, and tomorrow’s a holiday: Independence Day.  It’s also National Chocolate Wafer Day.  Have one: It’s also American Redneck Day, National Eat Beans Day, National Fried Clam Day, Plastic Bag Free Day (all plastic bags are free today!), Emancipation Day in the United States Virgin Islands, Independence Day in Belarus, celebrating … Continue reading Monday: Hili dialogue

Saturday: Hili dialogue

Good morning on the second Caturday of 2021:  Saturday, January 9, and National Apricot Day. It’s also Play God Day, National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, and National Word Nerd Day, which you’re supposed to celebrate by learning new words, and, in India, Non-Resident Indian Day (does any other country have a holiday celebrating non-residents?). Here’s … Continue reading Saturday: Hili dialogue

Wednesday: Hili dialogue

It’s a Hump Day (“კეხის დღე” in Georgian), Wednesday, March 22, 2023, and World Water Day  Don’t forget to have your eight glasses today, or suckle on your personal water bottle (not really, as that’s bunk: doctors now say just drink when you’re thirsty unless you have a condition that requires you to drink often. … Continue reading Wednesday: Hili dialogue