A court case against DEI and discriminatory hiring

Although I’ve always said I’m in favor of some affirmative action in college admissions and hiring (but haven’t figured out exactly it should be implemented), I’ve never been in favor of mandatory DEI (“Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”) statements as required parts applications for admission to colleges, graduate schools, or especially academic jobs. It should not … Continue reading A court case against DEI and discriminatory hiring

Academic freedom meeting at Stanford

The Stanford Business School is having an academic freedom conference on Friday, November 4, and Saturday, November 5 at the business school’s Knight Management Center at Stanford. The good news is there are a lot of people whom I want to meet, many of them of the “heterodox” stripe. Some of these people I find … Continue reading Academic freedom meeting at Stanford

The Golden Steve Awards for 2021’s best achievements in film

On April 1, I announced my nephew’s nominations for the “Golden Steve” awards: those awards that he modestly names after himself and which he presents as an alternative to the Ac*demy Aw*ards, awards he despises. Steven is a big film buff and knows his onions, and I’ve found it wise to pay attention to his … Continue reading The Golden Steve Awards for 2021’s best achievements in film

More mishigas: Two anthropology societies cancel an accepted symposium on sex and gender because it would “harm” their members

I’m probably late to the party, but the latest gossip about the Authoritarian Left involves the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) deciding to deplatform an entire symposium on sex and gender in anthropology—all because of the claim that it could cause mental “harm”to some people. There are three letters involved, … Continue reading More mishigas: Two anthropology societies cancel an accepted symposium on sex and gender because it would “harm” their members

More on the canceled anthropology panel on sex: an anthropology society defends deplatforming the panel as transphobic

Yesterday I wrote a post about how two anthropological societies decided to cancel a panel on the biology of sex and gender because they considered it “harmful” to the listeners. As I wrote: I’m probably late to the party, but the latest gossip about the Authoritarian Left involves the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and the … Continue reading More on the canceled anthropology panel on sex: an anthropology society defends deplatforming the panel as transphobic

Caturday felid trifecta: The cats of Antarctica, Aussie firefighter beefcake with cats, world’s worst cat gets adopted (and lagniappe)

Today’s trifecta starts off with two of my favorite subjects—cats and Antarctica. I love the tuxedo-cat penguin. *************** If you like buff males, especially with their shirts off, and are an ailurophile as well, you’re going to want this Australian calendar from the AnimalRescueSite. The title of the article (click on screenshot) tells all: But … Continue reading Caturday felid trifecta: The cats of Antarctica, Aussie firefighter beefcake with cats, world’s worst cat gets adopted (and lagniappe)

Andrew Sullivan on ideological groupthink and wrongthink

Although we still don’t know whether Andrew Sullivan’s column was pulled from New York Magazine last week (I suspect it was, though I don’t have an inkling of what it said), he’s back today in spades with two pieces, the first one long and eloquent on “wokeness”—the increasing tendency of the Left to be authoritarian, … Continue reading Andrew Sullivan on ideological groupthink and wrongthink

Two Saturday Substacks to read: McWhorter and Sullivan

I’m not sure whether Sullivan’s content is free, but I subscribe, and I’m going to subscribe to John McWhorter’s site as well, which you can still sample for free. Here is your Saturday reading, with excerpts (click on screenshots): Sully: His message is, as the subtitle notes, “the center continues to collapse”. Jokers to the … Continue reading Two Saturday Substacks to read: McWhorter and Sullivan