Saturday: Hili dialogue

Welcome to the Cat Sabbath: Saturday, June 11, 2022. It’s National German Chocolate Cake Day, but not a case of cultural appropriation. The name “German” comes from the recipe on the German’s Chocolate Cake Box, a company now owned by Better Crocker. It’s GOOD! The recipe for the cake is here, but you’ll also need … Continue reading Saturday: Hili dialogue

Sunday: Hili dialogue

Good morning at the week’s end—actually the beginning, but we can pretend. It’s Sunday, July 17, 2022: National Peach Ice-Cream Day, though I’m not sure why they put a hyphen in “Ice-Cream”.  It’s also National Ice Cream Day (period), National Tattoo Day, World Day for International Justice, World Emoji Day, and  International Firgun Day. What … Continue reading Sunday: Hili dialogue

Wednesday: Hili dialogue

Good morning on a Hump Day (“Jou boss” in Haitian Creole): Wednesday, August 23, 2023, and a good day: National Cuban Sandwich Day. As Wikipedia notes, “its origin is murky”, but this culturally appropriated puppy is one good sandwich. As Tasting Table says (photo below): If you’re a pork lover, no sandwich can compete with … Continue reading Wednesday: Hili dialogue