World’s most intersectional academic job advertised at Williams College

Here’s what appears to be a genuine job ad at Williams College, which has for a long while been swirling around the event horizon bordering an academic black hole (no knowledge can be emitted). The ad is genuine because it’s on the site of The Chronicles of Higher Education.  Click on the screenshot below to … Continue reading World’s most intersectional academic job advertised at Williams College

Luana Maroja fights a proposal to eliminate grades for first-semester students at Williams College

My partner in crime, biologist Luana Maroja at prestigious Williams College, is once again making heterodox statements that will peeve a number of students—and perhaps faculty. But she is brave. In this case, some Williams students got the bright idea last winter that the College should do away with all grades for first-semester students because … Continue reading Luana Maroja fights a proposal to eliminate grades for first-semester students at Williams College

Debate tomorrow: “Resolved, that STEM is systematically racist”

My partner in crime, evolutionist Luana Maroja of Williams College, is going to be debating a touchy question tomorrow evening: the proposition given in the title (she’s on the Negative side).  Her debate partner, Erec Smith, is a research fellow at The Cato Institute and teaches rhetoric and composition at York College. The Affirmative team … Continue reading Debate tomorrow: “Resolved, that STEM is systematically racist”

Videos from the Stanford Academic Freedom Conference

The videos for the Academic Freedom Conference, held at Stanford on November 4 and 5, have now been collected at one YouTube site. There are 17 of them.  At the time, I though I’d write a lot about the various talks, but somehow I wasn’t inspired to do so. I was suffering from insomnia (still … Continue reading Videos from the Stanford Academic Freedom Conference

Peter Boghossian interviews Luana Maroja (and a note on “transracialism”)

When my colleague, coauthor, and conspirator in crime Luana Maroja, a professor of evolutionary biology at Williams College, was teaching a short summer course at The University of Austin, she was interviewed on video about sex and gender issues by Peter Boghossian, also teaching at the U of A. The interview, below, speaks for itself: … Continue reading Peter Boghossian interviews Luana Maroja (and a note on “transracialism”)

Professor Phoebe Cohen of Williams College nabs the Lysenko Award for the Suppression of Academic Speech

Dr. Phoebe Cohen would just be another academic laboring away at woke Williams College (she’s an associate professor of Geosciences and department chair) if Michael Powell of the New York Times hadn’t mentioned her in its article on MIT’s deplatforming of University of Chicago Professor Dorian Abbot. Cohen was quoted as not only favoring deplatforming … Continue reading Professor Phoebe Cohen of Williams College nabs the Lysenko Award for the Suppression of Academic Speech

Universities’ capitulation to protestors

It’s my day off, but I have to post at least one piece of news. This comes from Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, which is a pro-Israel organization whose reporting seems pretty accurate (there is lots of documentation, for example, in the article below). And that article, which you can access by clicking … Continue reading Universities’ capitulation to protestors

Luana Maroja on the ideological threat to biology

The conference on academic freedom at Stanford included a panel on  STEM with chemistry professor Anna Krylov from USC, Mimi St. Johns, an undergraduate in computer sciences at Stanford, Luana Maroja, Professor of Biology at Williams College, and me.  Luana (who’s written on this site before) and I were to handle biology, and we divided … Continue reading Luana Maroja on the ideological threat to biology