World’s ten most beautiful birds: one person’s list

March 16, 2024 • 11:30 am

Here from World Data and Info, which seems to specialize in lists, is a list of the world’s ten most beautiful birds. Here they are in order and at the video times they appear:

Chapters :
00:00 Highlight
00:38 Golden Pheasant
01:28 Macaw Parrots
02:21 Mandarin Duck
03:29 Peacock
04:41 Blue Jay
05:49 Atlantic Puffin
07:00  Flamingo
08:12 Keel-billed Toucan
09:24 Victoria Crowned Pigeon
10:46 Turaco

I can’t quarrel too much with the list (but seriously, the blue jay?); however, they left off the one bird I consider the world’s most beautiful: the male Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno),. I’ve had the luck to see several of these in the wild in Central America. The metallic green color, combined with the bright red breast and that long, dangling tail, make for a fantastic sight. Here’s one:

Sidney Bragg, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

and a video:

There’s also the lilac-breasted roller (Coracias caudatus):

Adam John Bourke, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Feel free to beef about the video selection and to suggest your own most beautiful birds.

MrBeast excoriated by the Purity Police as a “white savior”

December 10, 2023 • 11:00 am

Here’s a good opening segment from Bill Maher’s latest show: a piece about how even philanthropy that saves lives can be and is criticized by the Purity Police these days. The benefactor in question is a YouTuber named “MrBeast“, who according to Wikipedia is a 25 year old man whose real name is James Stephen “Jimmy” Donaldson.  As the site notes, “With over 210 million subscribers,  he is the most-subscribed individual on the platform and the second-most-subscribed channel overall.”  He rakes in gazillions of dollars, has a team of 250 people, and gives a gazillion dollars away. (His channel is here.)

It’s the fact that a white man gives money away, and directs it to good causes, that has inspired “progressive” critics to deem him simply a “white savior”.  As Maher notes, there’s nothing so good for the world that some idiots won’t kvetch about it, and MrBeast is the object of that kvetching. Maher ably defends him in his usual humorous way, getting in some licks against the woke who argue that physical handicaps shouldn’t be fixed.

Video: Animal antics

August 31, 2023 • 1:00 pm

Fare thee well, readers: tomorrow I’m off for Israel for three weeks. My farewell post (#27,916!) is this ten-minute video showing animals doing humorous things.  My favorites include the attacking raptor (0:24), the horizontal sloth (1:20), the rotating d*g circle (2:00), Jesus cat (4:03), donkeys following a ride-on mower (5:26), young sheep practicing head-butting (6:34), the galloping goat (6:48), irritated octopus (7:15), gamboling sheep (8:05), and the dancing Indian deer (8:46).

Hasta la proxima!

Animals being rescued

January 26, 2023 • 1:38 pm

As does NBC News each evening, I’ll end today with another feel-good story: in this case a video of people helping animals in trouble. It’s this kind of stuff that I really go to Twitter and Facebook for.  Social media can show you the worst parts of humans, but also the best; and here’s some of the latter.

Yeah, it may be schlocky, but I don’t care. I like it. There’s a duck rescue, too.

Video: Alternative math takes over

January 18, 2023 • 12:45 pm

This video, “Alternative Math,” has been around for six years, and has won 15 awards for short features and funny videos. The sad thing is that while it’s funny, it’s also true: truer now than it was when it was made. It documents the “2 + 2 = 5” alternative-truth mentality that is represented by “other ways of knowing.” But it also has a funny ending, so be sure to watch the whole thing (it’s nine minutes long).

The IMDb summary (which also has info about the film and the cast) is this: “A well meaning math teacher finds herself trumped by a post-fact America.”


True facts about tarantulas

November 21, 2022 • 1:00 pm

ZeFrank is back with another enticing and biologically informed video, this time about tarantulas. It’s about sixteen minutes long.

I used to have a live tarantula collection in my office in graduate school, and fed them hissing cockroaches, of which there was a colony in the MCZ. I let them walk around on me, and I was never bitten, though I did sometimes get irritated by urticating hairs. (When I put them on visitors, however, the reaction was sometimes unfavorable.) Watching them molt was a unique experience.

One of my favorites, Bismarck, lived for at least 20 years, since she was still alive when I checked years after giving her away (she had actually been moved to Chicago by the curator of arachnids).

What I like about ZeFrank is that his videos get more and more biologically informative but yet retain their humor.  (They do, however, have ads.) This is a particularly good one, with tons of biology that I didn’t know.  These animals do have a fearsome reputation, but they don’t really kill people, and their biology is complex and fascinating.

h/t: Rick

Some videos of the Academic Freedom Conference up

November 13, 2022 • 11:15 am

Some of the videos of the Academic Freedom Conference are now up, but rumors are they won’t be for long. (I think they’ll eventually all be up on YouTube). Click on the screenshot to see the available videos; you can access them by clicking on any link that has “video” by it.

Go to the site by clicking on the screenshot below.

And I have to give a plug for our hour-long panel on Academic Freedom in STEM. You can go to the video by clicking on schedule below or on my screenshot below that.

Have a listen. I leave myself out of the evaluation, but Mimi, Anna, and Luana all did a good job, and Luana turned her 8-minute talk into a nice piece on Bari Weiss’s site.

There are other talks you may want to hear, too. For a start, I’d recommend Jon Haidt’s talk (like all of us, he’s been demonized for merely appearing at this conference), while some of the other interesting ones aren’t up yet.

A half hour on politics with James Carville, who’s optimistic about the Democrats

October 2, 2022 • 1:30 pm

Whenever I feel dispirited about politics, I try to watch James Carville’s latest take on video. It may not be cheerful (though this one should buck up Democrats), but I love his Louisiana accent and as well as his genuine populist-Democatic take, knocking the wind out of “progressive” Democrats, whom he sees as elitist, arrogant, and inimical to the progress of Democrats. (Carville is, of course, an ardent Democrat, but can’t stand fellow party members who, he thinks, don’t understand America). He’s the Andy Rooney of the Democratic Party.

Here we have Carville in August on “The Hill”, talking for a half hour with Niall Stanage about the state of the Democratic Party. I have to say that he’s more optimistic than I am about the midterm elections and about Trump’s possible run for the Presidency (Carville doesn’t think that will happen.) And that makes me feel better, perhaps because I agree with him, but perhaps because Carville has a pretty good track record with prognostications.

So here are a few bullet points in favor of the Democrats articulated by Carville:

  • He is pretty optimistic about the midterms, seeing it as likely that Democrats will will the Senate (of course, they already have, but at least he thinks the Republicans won’t gain control.
  • Voters, he says, are not impressed by the kind of “change” offered by the Republican party, which is not having a good year.
  • Inflation and economic problems are, he says, abating, and although Biden will still be blamed for them, he’s done a good job as President, having “substantial achievement” and having made some good appointments. He seems to think, but won’t “jinx” the next Presidential election, that Biden will be the Democratic Presidential candidate in 2024, though Carville for the moment would rather concentrate on this November’s midterm elections.
  • He thinks that Republicans are going to be vulnerable on the Mar-a-Lago papers issue. Their only defense is that this is a Democratic conspiracy, but that doesn’t sit well with most Americans,
  • Carville emphasizes that if you look at how people self-identify among Democrats, you find that, at only 11%, “progressive liberals” is the smallest group, and the only one that’s majority white. He decries them because “they have the ability to irritate and come up with really stupid things like ‘Defund the Police’: the worst words in the English language.
  • When Stanage asks him what people like him should do about the progressive Democrats, Carville says, “Make fun of them.”  He minces no words!
  • Finally, he doesn’t think Trump will be the Republican nominee in 2024. Further, he believes that the Republicans are going to shoot themselves in the foot because “they ahve really stupid people who vote in their primaries”, and thus “they tend to elect really stupid leaders.”  (He sees most electable Republicans as having dropped out of contention.)

Watch the video to see the Democrats’ Andy Rooney!: