Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ priapism

May 15, 2024 • 8:00 am

Today’s Jesus and Mo strip, called “parts” came with a link and a comment:

The original story is here.  Check out the photo of the naughty priest.

And the email from the artist added, “That priest’s mischievous face is the funniest thing about this story.”

Go see for yourself!  Click below to see the article.

An excerptfrom the story, which appeared in Metro:

Father Thomas McHale, priest at Our Blessed Lady Immaculate in Blackhill, Consett, County Durham, shocked his flock by claiming during his Good Friday sermon that Jesus died with an erection.

The 53-year-old American prelate told the roughly 100 gathered that execution by crucifixion would have sent all the blood rushing down to Christ’s lower body.

One dismayed worshipper told The Times: ‘He told people Jesus died with an erection. The church was shocked. There were young families there.’

Oy! Here’s the strip: both the barmaid and Mo both take the mickey out of Jesus.

21 thoughts on “Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ priapism

  1. One of Jesus and Mo best cartoon to date. Thanks for sharing these, always good for a smile.

    1. I’m trying to imagine what Jesus would look like on the cross with an erection. I must admit, it’s pretty hard.

  2. He kept his job! We’ve somehow reached a point where the catholic church is more tolerant of controversial ideas than a university in Amsterdam. I hope this is the bottom and we can start rebuilding from here.

  3. There are several depictions of Christ’s erection (see Wikipedia page Ostentatio genitalium). Among the artists depicting this: Willem Key (1516-1568) and an engraving by Ludwig Krug. His erection promises restoration of life.

    1. This reminded me of C. S. Lewis’s “That Hideous Strength” which I read when I was a teenager. It made a big impression on me. There was a part where a character in the book was told to deface an inanimate object and was unable to do so at his peril. That was a lesson that I took to heart I thought, but not enough, as it turned out. I need to continue learning.

  4. How much wood would make Mo chuckle more if Mo would chuckle more ’bout wood? He’d chuckle more ’bout a Viagra® advert if Mo would chuckle ’bout wood.

  5. In Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire he makes a reference to Mo suffering the same affliction. Gibbon hides it in the ‘learned language’ of Latin. Ali washing the body exclaims “O propheta, certe penis tuus cælum versus erectus est”. Sadly evidence suggests this may involve a mistranslation from the original Arabic.

  6. This just touches on so many questions… for example, would that have been the first (and last, of course) erection that Jesus ever got? If so, then wow, saving the best for last, eh? What a time to learn about a new bodily function that most males first experience during puberty. But if not, the what were the circumstances surrounding the prior erections? Surely not due to carnal lust? Perhaps just the proverbial “morning wood”?

    Did God have any intent that Jesus, this savior born of a virgin, would procreate in the non-celestial human manner? But if not, then why did Jesus even need that functionality at all? Was it just in order for Him to viscerally understand the lived experience of the human male? (Apparently it was deemed unnecessary to viscerally understand the lived experience of the human female. What a surprise.)

    So while the Church deems this all vulgar and irrelevant, and as an atheist I don’t much care about the “answers” that believers might concoct, they still seem like reasonable questions to me.

    Of course, the whole Mary Magdalene saga of marriage and children would seem to settle some of this, but most traditional Christians don’t accept that tale. And that story of course raises other very interesting questions, but I’ll leave those — this is more than enough silliness for now.

  7. This also gives a new angle on this lyric:

    “Come down off the cross, we can use the wood”

    Tom Waits, “Come On Up to the House”

  8. Perfectly natural when you hands are nailed down how else are you going to point in the di-rection of heaven…
    or, young J was getting off on a little bondage.

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