Unbelievable woo from the NYT: the touting of reincarnation (as well as astrology and oracle cards) by an editor

Lately the New York Times went soft on dowsing, and of course they’ve been perpetually soft on astrology. Nobody seems to bring up the paper’s penchant for woo when they’re praising it for “fact-based journalism.” Even in the op-eds or “personal” stories—stories that, like today’s—give credence to woo, the Times fails to call attention to … Continue reading Unbelievable woo from the NYT: the touting of reincarnation (as well as astrology and oracle cards) by an editor

CNN touts astrology to sell stuff: the “Mercury retrograde” effect

Several readers sent me this story from CNN.com about astrology (click on screenshot below). And like me, when they saw it they assumed it was part of the regular CNN news feed, and so were appalled. One reader wrote this: Woke up this morning to see this story on CNN.com. One of the best examples … Continue reading CNN touts astrology to sell stuff: the “Mercury retrograde” effect

Astrology at the New York Times

In the past couple of days we’ve seen the Guardian tout astrology twice, and now the Globe and Mail. What I’d forgotten is that the New York Times has also been doing it occasionally—certainly more often than the Paper of Record should. For evidence, see Greg Mayer’s survey last year of the NYT’s treatment of … Continue reading Astrology at the New York Times

The Globe and Mail touts tarot readings

According to Wikipedia, The Globe and Mail (G&M), is regarded as Canada’s “newspaper of record”. Well, I rarely read it, but know from articles that readers send me that, unlike America’s Newspaper of Record (the NYT, of course) it has a mildly conservative slant. But like the NYT, the G&M has a weakness for woo, … Continue reading The Globe and Mail touts tarot readings

New York Times profiles a medium who channels Jesus for the benefit of celebrities

Sweet Ceiling Cat in a chicken basket! As Greg and I have written several times, the New York Times has in the last couple of years become very soft on spirituality, woo, and the occult, especially on astrology. Well, it’s gone extra far this time by publishing a very long profile in its “Style” section … Continue reading New York Times profiles a medium who channels Jesus for the benefit of celebrities