Sunday: Hili dialogue

Good morning on Sunday, June 12, 2022, and it’s International Falafel Day, saved from cultural appropriation by being “International”.  Here are some lovely falafel: I haven’t been to the Middle East, where falafel reins supreme, but here is the best falafel I’ve ever had in my travels. It’s in Paris in the Marais, and there’s … Continue reading Sunday: Hili dialogue

Wednesday: Hili dialogue

As the Portuguese say, “Bom dia em um dia de corcunda”, for it’s Wednesday November 10, 2021: National Vanilla Cupcake Day, celebrating the blandest cake I can think of. It’s also Sesame Street Day (the program debuted on November 10, 1969), Area Code Day, World Science Day for Peace and Development, United States Marine Corps birthday, … Continue reading Wednesday: Hili dialogue

Saturday: Hili dialogue

Welcome to Saturday, June 12, 2021: National Peanut Butter Cookie Day. It’s also World Gin Day, National Rosé Day (the wine), National Jerky Day, Loving Day (celebrating the 1967 Supreme Court decision of Loving v. Virginia, striking down laws against interracial marriage), World Day Against Child Labour, Superman Day (celebrating the release of the 2013 … Continue reading Saturday: Hili dialogue