An Intelligence-Squared Debate: Has the New York Times lost its way?

Here’s a 64-minute Intelligence-Squared debate on a topic of interest to many of us: “Has the New York Times Lost Its Way?” It’s a debate between four people: two for the motion (“lost its way”) and two against (the paper is fine). Here are the participants. For the Motion: Yascha Mounk – Author, “The People … Continue reading An Intelligence-Squared Debate: Has the New York Times lost its way?

The NYT apparently doesn’t understand freedom of speech

I was surprised to see this full-editorial-board opinion piece in yesterday’s New York Times. But any endorsement of freedom of speech is okay with me. Yet as I read it, I realized that the New York Times is really attacking “cancel culture” rather than endorsing free speech. Read on to see what I mean (click … Continue reading The NYT apparently doesn’t understand freedom of speech

WaPo editor emits bigoted and hateful Tweets, but will she be disciplined as others have been?

Here we have Karen Attiah, a major editor with the Washington Post, spewing out stuff on Twitter that’s even more vile and bigoted than the stuff Trump emits regularly. It’s racist, full of hate, and exactly the kind of stuff that got New York Times tech writer Quinn Norton fired. (Sarah Jeong, her replacement, wrote … Continue reading WaPo editor emits bigoted and hateful Tweets, but will she be disciplined as others have been?

CNN: Sarah Jeong leaves NYT editorial board under weird circumstances, becomes a stringer

Brian Stelter at CNN reports that Sarah Jeong, controversial tech writer for the New York Times and member of the paper’s editorial board, has left that board.  Note that although this was reported on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” site, I haven’t been able to confirm it anywhere else, including on Jeong’s Twitter feed (the New York … Continue reading CNN: Sarah Jeong leaves NYT editorial board under weird circumstances, becomes a stringer

NYT op-ed warns against canceling newspaper subscriptions, even though we have many reasons to cancel that paper

In general, I support good journalism. For many years I subscribed to the New York Times paper version, looking forward to the daily dollop of doings on my doorstep. Then I stopped for a while, and then subscribed electronically (I still do). I recently added a subscription to the Washington Post. But as they said … Continue reading NYT op-ed warns against canceling newspaper subscriptions, even though we have many reasons to cancel that paper

Readings for today: speaking the unspeakable

I’m seriously sleep deprived and am finding it hard to even type.  Like many people, or so I hear, sleeping has become more erratic and disturbed during the pandemic. I’m lucky if I get 5½ hours a night, and I tend to wake up at ungodly early hours. I was going to write posts on … Continue reading Readings for today: speaking the unspeakable

Is Maggie Haberman worth it?

by Greg Mayer As early as a few years ago, Jerry began worrying about the editorial drift of the New York Times. At the time, I wasn’t concerned. The questionable pieces were op-ed articles—opinion pieces not by the Times or its reporters. Although you could question the choice of writer, it wasn’t the Times‘ writers. … Continue reading Is Maggie Haberman worth it?

Another New York Times editor with a history of bigoted tweets

Tom Wright-Piersanti is a senior staff editor at the New York Times, and, according to many sources, including the Washington Examiner, The Hill, the New York Post, and so on, it was found that he had a long history of pretty blatant anti-Asian and anti-Semitic remarks in his Twitter feed. Granted, this was about nine years … Continue reading Another New York Times editor with a history of bigoted tweets