Michael Shermer and Richard Dawkins: In defense of E. O. Wilson

If you’ve been following the fracas about biologist E. O. Wilson and the intimations that he was a racist or at least friendly with racists, you’ll know that there are at least three articles accusing him either explicitly or implicitly of racism (see here, here, and here).  Wilson’s also been defended by many of his … Continue reading Michael Shermer and Richard Dawkins: In defense of E. O. Wilson

More accusations that E. O. Wilson was a racist

There’s a new article in Science for the People magazine by Stacy Farina and Matthew Gibbons, which argues that E. O. Wilson was a racist. This is a different, more serious, and far better documented article than the Scientific American hit job by Monica McLemore, whose “research” apparently resulted from reading the last chapter of Sociobiology, … Continue reading More accusations that E. O. Wilson was a racist

A grad student weighs in on the SSB’s attempt to delete Ernst Mayr’s name from his award

Two days ago I wrote (and fulminated) about the Society of Systematic Biologists’ (SSB’s) hamhanded vote to remove the name of Ernst Mayr from its award for the best student paper at the annual meeting—for no reason other than Mayr was a white man. (They can’t get him on bigotry, for he was a vigorous … Continue reading A grad student weighs in on the SSB’s attempt to delete Ernst Mayr’s name from his award

Scientific American goes defensive; tries to pretend that every social justice screed is a “science story”

UPDATE: Reader Enrico called this article to my attention; it’s very relevant to Scientific American’s claims here, which it doesn’t support. Click to read (and subscribe if you read regularly): Ritchie parses the many meanings of this slogan, but here’s the one that Scientific American appears to use: The first point they might be making is … Continue reading Scientific American goes defensive; tries to pretend that every social justice screed is a “science story”

A philosopher criticizes Faith Versus Fact for not addressing Sophisticated Theology

King’s College, formerly “The College of Christ the King”, is a Catholic school in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania with about 2300 students. On November 4, the school hosted the annual Eastern Pennsylvania Philosophical Association Conference, a one-day affair in which papers were given on all aspects of philosophy. (The keynote speaker was Massimo Pigliucci, who spoke about stoicism.) … Continue reading A philosopher criticizes Faith Versus Fact for not addressing Sophisticated Theology

My review of E. O. Wilson’s “The Social Conquest of Earth”

UPDATE: I forgot to add a good piece by Steve Pinker which is required reading if you’re being seduced by the idea of group selection. “The false allure of group selection” is published on the Edge website. It’s followed by an online “discussion” involving 23 Edgies. __________ E. O. Wilson has a new book out, The … Continue reading My review of E. O. Wilson’s “The Social Conquest of Earth”

E. O. Wilson goes on Colbert to tout his book

I got nothing today: bupkes. You people expect me to post all these items every day when I’m doing a book and teaching at the same time, as well as preparing a talk for the Imagine No Religion conference in Canada next week. Oy gewalt! I need either a vacation or the chance to rub the belly … Continue reading E. O. Wilson goes on Colbert to tout his book