Now Israel is censoring and demonizing Abigail Shrier’s book

The Federalist is of course a right-wing site, but this situation must have given it a dilemma. The censorship described below reflects badly on Israel, a country that the Right tends to support, but it also comes down on Left-wing censoriousness, in this case demonization of the notorious (but good) book by Abigail Shrier, Irreversible … Continue reading Now Israel is censoring and demonizing Abigail Shrier’s book

Abigail Shrier has a new book on where therapy for the young went wrong

We all remember Abigail Shrier from her controversial first book, Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, which pointed out the huge increase in the number of adolescent girls who wanted to transition to becoming trans males, attributing some of the rise by the egging-on of gender dysphoric adolescents by social media to go … Continue reading Abigail Shrier has a new book on where therapy for the young went wrong

Abigail Shrier speaks truth to Princeton

I’d forgotten that Abigail Shrier had a Substack column called “The Truth Fairy“, and so I would have missed this wonderful talk (in transcript) had several readers not sent me the link. It is a talk that Shrier gave to a group of students at Princeton, hosted by the Princeton Tory, the Witherspoon Institute, and … Continue reading Abigail Shrier speaks truth to Princeton

More on Abigail Shrier, Harriet Hall, Science-Based Medicine, Jesse Singal, and transitioning

Yesterday I reported on the site Science-Based Medicine’s defense of their “deplatforming” a book review written by one of their own editors, Dr. Harriet Hall. Hall had written a favorable review of Abigail Shrier’s book Irreversible Damage, itself about the dangers of transsexual adolescents undertaking medical treatment prematurely or without proper guidance. Hall approved the … Continue reading More on Abigail Shrier, Harriet Hall, Science-Based Medicine, Jesse Singal, and transitioning

The American Booksellers Association apologizes for mailing out Abigail Shrier’s book, calling it a “serious, violent incident”

It’s a sad day when not only people in the ACLU call for banning Abigail Shrier’s book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing our Daughters, but then the American Booksellers Association, self-described as “dedicated to free expression”, grovels to the mob and apologizes for sending out Shrier’s book in a batch of sample books dispatched to … Continue reading The American Booksellers Association apologizes for mailing out Abigail Shrier’s book, calling it a “serious, violent incident”

Dueling petitions about banning “Irreversible Damage” by Abigail Shrier

As you may remember, Abigail Shrier’s new book, Irreversible Damage, about the dangers of uncritical support for young girls who want to transition to boys, has met with a lot of criticism as “transphobic”. For a while its sale was banned at Target stores (it’s now reinstated.)  Nevertheless, there’s a petition afoot to ban … Continue reading Dueling petitions about banning “Irreversible Damage” by Abigail Shrier

Steven Novella and David Gorski defend their removal of Harriet Hall’s book review (the book: Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier)

On June 22, I reported here that the site Science-Based Medicine (“SBM”) had removed from its site a book review written by one of its editors, Dr. Harriet Hall. I characterized this removal as an “unfair deplatforming” and suspected that the review, of Abigail Shrier’s book Irreversible Damage (about the dangers of medically treating young … Continue reading Steven Novella and David Gorski defend their removal of Harriet Hall’s book review (the book: Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier)

University of Edinburgh academics demand cancellation of book on sex and gender

One thing that seems clear, at least to me, is that Scotland is woker than England, for you see more stuff like this happening to the North of Blighty than from its south. But even if you disagree with my assessment, it’s hard to approve of the bad behavior of academics from the University of … Continue reading University of Edinburgh academics demand cancellation of book on sex and gender