Spot the cat!

January 1, 2023 • 9:00 am

Don’t expect much from my brain today, and no, it’s not because I’m hung over. Reader Blue sent this picture and asks you to “Spot the Cat”. I find this one medium hard. Reveal at noon, Chicago time; you can say in the comments that you spotted it, but don’t give away its position!

22 thoughts on “Spot the cat!

  1. Found it immediately. I like to play hidden objects games and tend to automatically scan a picture in a certain way that allowed me to find this kitty.

  2. Found him/her in less than 5 seconds, though I normally don’t do so well with the “find the…” pictures. And happy belated birthday!

    1. yes, if you are looking for a cat represented as a stylized geometrical structure, you are barking up the wrong tree…

  3. But… but… only d*gs are named Spot, as a matter of tradition. Spot the cat would be a contrarian naming.

    …. I kid I kid!

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