Maher on Halloween costumes

October 30, 2022 • 1:30 pm

Reader Divy sent me this nine-minute clip from Bill Maher’s latest “Real Time” show. The YouTube notes say this:

Halloween is supposed to be outrageous, yet every year there’s a new list of offensive things we shouldn’t do.

Maher takes on the “offensive costume lists” that proliferate at this time of year, including Jeffrey Dahmer costumes, Queen Elizabeth costumes, Elvis costumes (he was accused of pedophilia), no Handmaid’s Tale costumes (too timely), no zombie costumes of dead celebrities, no hobos (homeless people), no cross-dressing as the other sex, no Putin costumes, no Trump costumes, no costumes related to covid or vaccines. There goes all the fun!

At the end, Maher puts on his own choice of costume: the “uber-Woke, overly anxious, perpetually offended twenty-something” outfit.  It’s a good one, but watch for yourself.

Here’s one of the lists that Maher mocks, from BuzzFeed (click to see which costumes are verboten):

Here’s one you shouldn’t wear. WHY NOT?

And another. Why can’t you be a cop? Because, of course, ACAB!

19 thoughts on “Maher on Halloween costumes

  1. Brilliant! Who da’ thunk that Baby Boomers would be the last generation to have fun. It was a wild ride. RIP.

      1. Mea culpa. Since I have no children, I skipped over fun-loving Gen X (exemplifying the selfish reputation that we Boomers have garnered at the hands of our successors). 🙂

        1. As Gen X would say, meh. We are used to it. We were the latch key kids so we will just take of ourselves, make microwave some dinner and watch sone TV.

    1. I looked at a variety of her other articles, and I just cannot tell. She writes clickbait-style articles, almost all of which have numbers in the titles “15 shocking facts about…”.

      One of my kids forwarded me his university’s annual letter on forbidden or offensive costumes last week.
      I contrast that with my own university experience, where the biggest even of the year was the “pagan ritual party”, held in a huge off-campus mansion. People worked all year on coming up with unique and interesting costumes. There were no rules, and nobody ever got offended. Plenty of the costumes were offensive, but the goal was unique and creative.

      We have a sideline restoring military artifacts, the result of which we have lots of uniforms and gear. They reside in sealed bins and hanger bags in a climate controlled space, but Halloween parties gave us a chance to bring some of them out and carefully wear and display them, or the kids could. I could never fit in a WW2 Japanese army officer’s uniform, but my 14 year old did.

      The woke, if allowed to do so, are going to insinuate themselves into every aspect of our lives, and ruin everything we find any joy in, just to show us who is in charge.

      1. “The woke, if allowed to do so, are going to insinuate themselves into every aspect of our lives, and ruin everything we find any joy in, just to show us who is in charge.”

        Really? From “knowing” you from your posts over the years, I wouldn’t consider you someone who actually believes this reactionary bullshit. You think “the woke” are going to ruin your joy? Wow, that seems extreme to the extreme. Why the feeling of no control? The woke suck, for sure, but I think you need a little perspective. For me, I’ll never equate the woke with MAGA folk, who I feel are the immediate peril.

        1. Well, the trans industrial complex got to one of my kids. That is sort of a big deal to me, and kind of casts a shadow on everything else in my life.
          All the other little things going on may seem minor on their own, but are cumulative, like radiation exposure.

      2. She writes clickbait-style articles, almost all of which have numbers in the titles “15 shocking facts about…”.

        That’s Buzzfeed’s entire modus operandi. That’s not specific to this particular author.

  2. Whether meant sarcastically or not (you never know these days) it is an impressive list of great costumes, the difficulty (I think it is described as a paradox) to choose in such a plethora.

    My problem was solved though, I fell on my face Saturday, and the swelling of my right eye and purple blue patches on my face and cut on my head already scared the kids. Others think it is part of my Halloween outfit. One young laaitie (= a young boy) asked me how I managed to not just get the colours right, but how I managed to give my eye that swollen, closed look. He was very impressed.

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