Readers’ wildlife photos

July 9, 2022 • 8:00 am

Saturday is a day to collect singletons and doubleton photos. The photographer’s captions are indented, and you can click on the photos to enlarge them.

From Christopher Moss, an olive-sided flycatcher:

Taken through a window, but finally I managed it! There’s a pair of these birds, Contopus cooperi, feeding and likely nesting near the house on this side of the pond. They wake me up about 5 am if the windows are open, with their “Quick! Three beers!” call. They fly from side to side of the house, picking up some juicy insect along the way. Now that the dragonflies are out, they have easy pickings. When I go down to my record-cleaning machines (don’t ask unless a vinyl fanatic!) in the basement I sometimes see one of them perched on something close to the windows. So I set up the Nikon D850 and the 400mm lens on a tripod, saying to myself that one day things would coincide. And so they did.

From Garry VanGelderen:

Attached are two photos of ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) that I took some time in May at the Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre near Midland, Ontario.

From Norman Gilinsky, photos labeled “Trigger warning: Irresistible cuteness!”

Here we have a tiny baby bunny, an Eastern Cottontail Rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus) from my yard in Washington State. No, this ball of fur was not displaced from somewhere in the east. Cottontails were introduced here in Washington State in the 1930’s and—not surprisingly given their propensity to reproduce—now thrive here. I don’t believe that they have displaced any native rabbits here, at least in the Seattle area where I live. The cuteness of this baby rabbit is undeniable. I hope it survives, but life for these babies can be difficult as they are often viciously tormented by crows in ways that are hard to watch.

When I asked Norm if the mother was still around, he responded:

The probable mom is still around, but by this point (it appears to me from watching several litters grow up this spring) the mom is not providing much care. The bunny was not afraid of me until I got within about six inches of it, so it was barely aware that photographers can be dangerous. The bunnies grow up very quickly.

Hummingbirds from Emilio d’Alise, with tentative IDs

Broad-tailed hummingbird [Selasphorus platycercus], immature male

2014 Hummingbirds,

Rufous hummingbird [Selasphorus rufus]:

2014 Hummingbirds,

Your guess:

2014 Hummingbirds,

Virginia landscapes from reader Lorraine (more to come).

View of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Fairy Stone State Park, Stuart, VA

Forest Hill Lake:

From Andrew Berry, a photo that I just got this morning.

From a couple of days ago in Colorado.  Once, early morning, I had made it to a decent altitude (~13K’) in the hills above Leadville, CO, clouds moved in on the back of a stiff chill breeze.  The tops were obscured.   Shortly, however, after reaching a peak, with the early morning sun competing with the low cloud, my shadow was flung off the edge of the mountain on to the bank of cloud.  Photo below, a Brocken spectre materialized.  This is a relatively unusual phenomenon (I’d never seen it before, but often heard accounts of it) whereby the shadow-on-cloud generates a rainbow-hewed halo. Cool effect.   It makes me look like a New Age Jesus!\

The rainbow circle is called a “glory.”

And the site of the photo:

Photo taken on the cloud-obscured left hand peak below, Horseshoe Mountain, 13,898 ft.  Mt. Sheridan to the right.

10 thoughts on “Readers’ wildlife photos

  1. Thank you for showing off our yard bunny! It’s been a few weeks since I took those pictures and the bunny is about 3/4 grown now—assuming that I’m seeing the same bunny!

    Shout out to Christopher Moss and his vinyl cleaning machines. I have a VPI model 16.5. It’s loud. (I wear the same ear protection I wear when using my chain saw.) But it gets the job done.

    1. I had one, but for various reasons upgraded to a Loricraft and a Degritter. Used in tandem they give great results!

  2. These are all great! It doesn’t take much to imagine that saintly visions, such as the Lady of Fatima, might have been Brocken Spectres of the observer(s).

    1. Well if you lived in a culture where such “apparitions” were automatically interpreted as heavenly visitations a Brocken Spectre would make a fine candidate. I note the association in the gospels between appearances of the resurrected Jesus and mountain settings. Wouldn’t it be a monstrous irony if the whole course of Western civilization was shaped by an illiterate fisherman in awe of his own shadow?

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