Readers’ wildlife photos

May 21, 2021 • 8:00 am

Here are some travel photos by Joe Dickinson. You can enlarge them by clicking on them, and Joe’s captions are indented.

Here is a second set of my favorite photos.

This is a diverse collection of cacti in Baja California.  I can’t identify the species.

This is a campsite in Nine Mile Canyon, Utah, with my wife and our dog, Ruby.  We purchased the camper van when I retired in 2002 and passed it along to her brother-in-law just a few months ago.

Oregon coast near Canon Beach:

The Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles:

Our Granddaughter, Erin, on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.  I always imagine her saying “I hereby claim this land in the name of…”  We just attended her high school graduation.  Time flies.

My wife and I on the stairs down to Point Reyes Light.

Kolob Canyon in the redrock area of southern Utah, winter.

Multnomah Falls along the Oregon side of the Columbia Gorge.  We plan to cruise that canyon in a few months.

A personal indulgence if I may.  I am an amateur horn player and had just received a replica of an early 19th century horn of the type that Mozart and Beethoven wrote for, pictured with some typical music written for horns in that style.  The smaller circle is one of a set of interchangeable “crooks” that put the horn into different keys.

Another shot along the Oregon coast, near Coos Bay, I think.

Our dog, Ruby, in deep snow at a cabin we had in the Wasatch mountains near Salt Lake City.  She had, shall we say, an unfortunate affinity for snow.

Finally, a view from Zabriskie Point in Death Valley. [JAC: I spent a lot of time in this locality while collecting and releasing flies in California, and there’s a movie called “Zabriskie Point” filmed by Antonioni in 1969. It’s not a very good movie.]

11 thoughts on “Readers’ wildlife photos

  1. Thanks for the lovely photos, Joe. Some of my favorite places: Pt. Reyes and Utah. Climbed Zabriskie Point on a very hot summer day. Agree that the movie’s nogreat shakes.

  2. Lovely collection. I’m a die hard Gorge lover (“Hello, Mighty Columbia!”). I especially like to watch the flora transition from the verdant west to the dry, dry east. Wallula gap is always a delight.

  3. I’ve mostly enjoyed lockdown for giving me an excuse not to go anywhere or do anything, but photos like this remind me that going places and doing things can be really good…..

  4. I can’t identify any of the cacti either but if you ever wanted to then you could watch a few of the Crime Pays But Botany Doesn’t videos on da yootoobs. He’s a salty Chicagoan who lives in Oakland, self-taught, and has quite the following. Worth a look for anyone with an interest in plants.

  5. Thank you for the fun photos – traveling is great. We drove through Death Valley last week (for the first time) and enjoyed it.

  6. A natural horn – wow! Those things are a lot harder to play than a modern valved horn, aren’t they? (Time to get in touch with your inner Joseph Leutgeb!)

  7. Great photos. There was an arch at Point Reyes that collapsed a few years ago. Nine Mile Canyon is remarkable for historic and prehistoric reasons as well as the scenery. My brother-in-law’s mother grew up in Nine Mile Canyon near the upper end.

  8. Oregon coast near Canon Beach:

    Hmmm, interesting geomorphology. Why the several lines of sea stacks, I wonder?

    And who, in the geological surveying of Oregon, was allowed to get away with naming the “Boring Volcanic Field”. OK, after so many square kilometres of flood basalts, I can understand it, but it’s a bit of a harsh thing to say about an innocent set of “Small basalt and basaltic andesite volcanoes located throughout the Portland Basin, and basalt and basaltic andesite flows that cover the plateau above the Oregon side of the Columbia River Gorge.”

    Definitely named on a wet Friday afternoon.

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