Readers’ wildlife photos (and video)

March 15, 2017 • 7:45 am

This will be the last batch of readers’ wildlife photos for a while. But please keep accumulating them to send me when I return.

First, Christopher Moss, whose “first chipmunk of spring” photo was posted two days ago, adds a video of what he says is a mating call. (Do female chipmunks call?) His comment: “Beginning at first light, and continued now for five solid hours! She must have a sore throat!”

And some diverse photos by reader Damon Williford from Texas, whose notes are indented:

Attached are some photos of wildlife from May of last year. The photos were taken at the Lost Maples State Recreation Area, which is located on the Edwards Plateau.  This region is home to endemic species as well as other species more characteristic of western North America.
The first three photos are of Spot-tailed Earless Lizard (Holbrookia lacerata lacerata).
The fourth photo is of a Common Raven (Corvus corax), which is difficult to find in Texas outside of the Edwards Plateau.
The fifth is a Black-crested Titmouse (Baeolophus atricristatus), formerly considered a subspecies of the Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor).
I purchased a macro lens 2 years ago and I am trying to do more arthropod photography. The sixth photo is a damselfly, the Great Spreadwing (Archilestes grandis).
The seventh photo is Prince Baskettail (Epitheca princeps).
The last photo is my first attempt at trying to photograph a water strider (Gerridae). I have no clue about the species or genus of this insect.

11 thoughts on “Readers’ wildlife photos (and video)

    1. Oh my! I was going to ask about this at “Answers” in Genesis, but they don’t allow comments.

      Thank you. Looks extremely interesting!

  1. Very good! I especially like the spreadwing damselfly. Lovely blue eyes.
    Ravens are simply awesome birds. A species that seems to be thinking of something when it looks at you.

    1. In the British Isles they are confined to the wilder areas of the west & north – often where there is more carrion or sea bird colonies…

      1. Whilst this is essentially true, the raven has been spreading eastwards and is increasingly recorded in lowland England.

  2. Liked them all but was especially pleased to see the photos of the Holbrookia.
    I worked on another species of this genus when I was living in the States.

    1. Just what it sounds like – there is no external ear opening. They burrow in sand, and external ear openings would probably just get clogged up.

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