Cat Caption Challenge

January 22, 2015 • 11:55 pm

by Greg Mayer

The BBC News Magazine has a “Caption Challenge“, and the latest subject is an intriguing picture of a cat.

BBC Caption Challenge
“Your caption here.”

I hold my own cat like this all the time, but usually I’m lying on my back on the floor, swinging the cat from left to right, and making whooshing noises while singing some made-up song about “Supercat”. If you want to make a caption suggestion to the Beeb, “You can submit captions for this week’s picture by sending us an email to: using the subject line Caption.” Do so right away, as there’s a deadline of 12:30 BST Friday. The 6 best suggestions share a prize of a “traditional small quantity of kudos”. If you do submit one, share it with us here at WEIT in the comments, and if you miss the BBC deadline, just put it in the comments here.

33 thoughts on “Cat Caption Challenge

  1. “Look me in the eyes and now tell me – where did that hot do go!?”

    “You misheard. The game isn’t called ‘tail on a pin’.”

  2. ‘Now I throw the cat like a spear at the oncoming grizzly bear…’

    Wait. Did you say ‘I hold my own cat like this all the time..’ Is there a cat we do not know about?

  3. “This is how you shall make it: the length of the ark three hundred cats, its breadth fifty cats, and its height thirty cats.”

    BTW that’s a pic from a cat show. That’s probably the judge evaluating that gorgeous Abyssinian cat.
    I do miss my Aby, Azezal–he was a sweet boy. Died about 9 years ago.

    1. Good one!

      Years ago I visited a couple who had two Abyssinians; what fantastic cats–beautiful, intelligent, interactive, such personalities! I don’t remember the people at all…

  4. “usually I’m lying on my back on the floor, swinging the cat from left to right, and making whooshing noises while singing some made-up song about “Supercat”.”

    Now that is hilarious! And about how we act at our house. We used to have the Least Beast and the Great Beast (kind of how birds get named greater and lesser whatever). The (now) late Least Beast started it. I started calling her Least Beast. Then is was natural to call the other (very large tom) the Great Beast.

    And that soon morphed into Über Katz, Grand (or Meilleur) Chat, Grande Gatto, etc.

  5. That cat is an Abyssinian, and the body is quite long. My kitty looks just like the one in the photo, and I stretch her out all the time.

  6. I clicked too late for the challenge, but my first thought was, “OK, just flatten your tail a bit and I guarantee you will win the contract to model for the new Jaguar car badge.” (for us Americans: badge=emblem)

  7. Reminds me of the recent xkcd comic ‘Gut Fauna‘, so it seems the cat is about to be inserted as a probiotic. Caption is either ‘Open wide!’ or ‘Unclench!’

    (No kitties were harmed in the making of this hypothetical)

  8. I have an Abyssinian cat. If I tried to hold Millie like that I’m sure the consequences would not be pretty!

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