FFRF unwisely battles for the right of transsexual women (medically treated or not) to compete in women’s sports

I’ve always been a fan of and a member of the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF). I am on their Honorary Board of Directors, and in 2011 received their “Emperor Has No Clothes Award”, which as they say is “reserved for public figures who take on the fabled role of the little child in the … Continue reading FFRF unwisely battles for the right of transsexual women (medically treated or not) to compete in women’s sports

Look to the evidence, but don’t gloss over it if you don’t like it

I’m not going to dissect this entire article from Nature; I’m too dispirited about how it, its American equivalent Science, and, indeed, nearly all scientific journals I read, are acting, tinting their science for ideology. You can read the article by clicking on the screenshot below, but I want to highlight just one of its … Continue reading Look to the evidence, but don’t gloss over it if you don’t like it

The NYT publishes a good article on the transsexual athlete controversy

When I occasionally write about the issue of how to deal with transsexual people in sports—a problem nearly always involving transsexual women competing against cissexual women—I often get pushback along these lines: “There are so few of these athletes, so why bother about the issue? Let them compete!” I bother for three reasons. First, the … Continue reading The NYT publishes a good article on the transsexual athlete controversy

One Atlantic article walks back another

On September 17, Maggie Mertens published an article in The Atlantic, “Separating sports by sex doesn’t make sense“, which I wrote about here two days thereafter. Mertens adduced a number of dubious arguments for her argument that in “youth sports”, which includes sports through high school (students aged up to about 18), there should be … Continue reading One Atlantic article walks back another

The convoluted history of sex testing in the Olympics

The article below, recounting the Olympics’ tortuous attempts to distinguish members of sexes for women’s sports, comes from  the Reality’s Last Stand Substack site. It’s by Linda Blade, identified as “a sport performance professional coach in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada [PhD Kinesiology; ChPC in T&F] who trains athletes in many different sports, mentors coaches, and advocates … Continue reading The convoluted history of sex testing in the Olympics

The Atlantic: We shouldn’t separate school sports by sex

Matthew called my attention to a tweet that highlighted this article. I was disturbed to read it, because it’s full of half-truths, distortions, and false claims that I didn’t expect in a magazine of the The Atlantic’s quality. The author, Maggie Mertens, is a writer and journalist living in Seattle. First, what is Mertens calling … Continue reading The Atlantic: We shouldn’t separate school sports by sex

The Freedom From Religion Foundation supports the “right” of transgender women to compete in women’s sports, claiming that it’s a church/state issue

I’ll begin this post with my introduction to the same issue last November: I’ve always been a fan of and a member of the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF). I am on their Honorary Board of Directors, and in 2011 received their “Emperor Has No Clothes Award”, which as they say is “reserved for public figures who … Continue reading The Freedom From Religion Foundation supports the “right” of transgender women to compete in women’s sports, claiming that it’s a church/state issue

Once again, Scientific American screws up an article claiming that the binary definition of sex is harmful and limiting

Scientific American just can’t help itself; it has to keep pounding away at the biological definition of sex, which is based on differential gamete size. Just the other day they published a full article in the “evolution” category, arguing that women hunted just as much as men in ancient times (and in hunter/gatherer societies today), … Continue reading Once again, Scientific American screws up an article claiming that the binary definition of sex is harmful and limiting