The world’s Wokest university

I would have guessed that the world’s Wokest university would be—given what I know about North American and British universities—The Evergreen State College. But I know almost nothing about the ideologies pervading schools in other countries, especially Africa, Asia, and South America.  From Grania I knew about the “decolonization” movement against science at The University … Continue reading The world’s Wokest university

Bryn Mawr: “The world’s most expensive anti-racism YouTube training program”

We now have a female version of George Bridges (the spineless President of Evergreen State): she is Kim Cassidy, President of the ritzy Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania. At that school, tuition, room and board will run you a cool $74,000 a year. (I just found out that Bridges has resigned and will be gone … Continue reading Bryn Mawr: “The world’s most expensive anti-racism YouTube training program”

Haverford publicly caves in to its entitled students

On December 5 I described the meltdown happening at ritzy Haverford College (tuition: $57,000 per year, total expenses $76,000 per year) following a police shooting of a black man in nearby Philadelphia. The students went on strike and issued a long series of demands to the College, as outlined in my article and in an … Continue reading Haverford publicly caves in to its entitled students

David Gibson of Gibson’s Bakery died

If you followed the fracas between Gibson’s Bakery in Oberlin, Ohio, and Oberlin College, as many of us did (see here), you’ll know that one of the plaintiffs in the civil suit against the College, David Gibson, had cancer. It turns out that it was pancreatic cancer, an almost invariably fatal disease, and Gibson died … Continue reading David Gibson of Gibson’s Bakery died

The Gibson Bakery versus Oberlin College case: a good summary

Quillette is being unfairly demonized in many quarters as an “alt-right” site, with many of those who write there (and that includes me) compared to white supremacists. But the demonization occurs largely because the site doesn’t hew entirely to the ideology of the Woke Left. And yes, there are some conservative positions taken at Quillette, … Continue reading The Gibson Bakery versus Oberlin College case: a good summary

Free speech continues to die at Middlebury College

As I reported recently, Middlebury College in Vermont, scene of an Outrage Brigade protest against Charles Murray in 2017 (the student riots injured one of his hosts on the Middlebury Faculty), just had another free-speech kerfuffle. This time it was over Ryszard Legutko, a right-wing Polish professor scheduled to talk at Middlebury about his recent … Continue reading Free speech continues to die at Middlebury College

The latest on Evergreen State College and the demonization of Bret Weinstein

The fracas at The Evergreen State College (TESC), which I think has permanently ruined its reputation, continues to gain traction in the mainstream media, though most left-wing venues have resolutely ignored the story. (Exceptions are the Washington Post and the New York Times.) I still think this is some kind of turning point that will hurt … Continue reading The latest on Evergreen State College and the demonization of Bret Weinstein

“Safe university”: a short dystopian story

Quillette is where all the cool kids are publishing, and I recommend a very short piece of fiction there by Henry Rambow, once an evanglical missionary in China but now an atheist. The story, “Safe University,” is a bit over the top imagining what might happen if today’s Special Student Snowflakes and their craven faculty enablers actually came … Continue reading “Safe university”: a short dystopian story