Dawkins replies to two challenges from Jordan Peterson

According to this post on Richard Dawkins’s Substack site, Jordan Peterson challenged him on Twitter to answer two questions.  Dawkins decided to answer both because, as he said below, he respects Peterson: A colleague sent two challenges to me, posted by Jordan Peterson, suggesting I should respond. I’m happy to do so because I greatly … Continue reading Dawkins replies to two challenges from Jordan Peterson

Some pushback by religion

What I thought would be a pretty uncontroversial post the other day about Ross Douthat’s ridiculous arguments for God as the most parsimonious explanation for nature, turned out to generate a lot of heat. You didn’t see all of it because some came down in the form of emails and of comments so inordinately intemperate … Continue reading Some pushback by religion

Ayaan Hirsi Ali ditches atheism, becomes a Christian

I always thought that Ayaan Hirsi Ali belonged as the “fifth horseperson” alongside Dennett, Dawkins, Hitchens, and Harris. After all, her arguments against religion were as strong and well expressed as those of the “four horsemen”. Perhaps it was because she concentrated most of her attacks on Islam instead of religion in general, but she … Continue reading Ayaan Hirsi Ali ditches atheism, becomes a Christian

Christianity and religion in general are dying in America, especially among Hispanics

A religious organization has collected some new data showing that Christianity in America is waning even faster than I thought, especially among Hispanics who are abandoning Catholicism like a sinking ship. A precis of the data is published on the Rosa Rubicondior site (“RR”; first screenshot below), which graphically distills the data from a five-page … Continue reading Christianity and religion in general are dying in America, especially among Hispanics

I answer an ambiguous question: “Can scientists believe in God?

Sciglam is an online polymathic site that describes itself this way: SciGlam is a science communication magazine intended to be a space for dialogue between three major spheres of knowledge and culture: art, science and society. We believe that normalizing scientific conversation is essential in the pursuit of a healthier and more skeptical society. Our … Continue reading I answer an ambiguous question: “Can scientists believe in God?

The Middle East and Ireland losing their religion

Two of the last holdout areas for religion—countries and regions that have historically been resistant to nonbelief—are now becoming surprisingly secular. Those are Ireland in the West and seven countries in the Middle East—at least according to recent surveys. The stunning thing about both areas is how fast the change is coming. Let’s take the … Continue reading The Middle East and Ireland losing their religion

Hirsi Ali gets criticism of her newfound Christianity; responds

Just recently Ayaan Hirsi Ali announced, after years of professing atheism (and rejecting her earlier Muslim faith(, that she’d become a Christian.  This was announced in an article in Unherd, but she also discussed it briefly on a video, both of which I posted. Although she wasn’t explicit about what exactly she believed about Christianity, it’s … Continue reading Hirsi Ali gets criticism of her newfound Christianity; responds