Sunday: Hili dialogue

October 25, 2020 • 6:30 am

Welcome to Ceiling Cat’s Day: a day to rest, read, eat, and enjoy your favorite libation. It’s Sunday, October 25, 2020, and National Greasy Food Day. (You didn’t hear that from me.) It’s also World Pasta Day, Pumpkin Day, Sourest Day, apparently honoring sour sweets, and World Pizza Maker’s Day (oy, could I use a New York slice!).

News of the Day: The biggest news is the resurgence of the pandemic, which is taking place pretty much everywhere, but you all know about that, anyway. Anthony Fauci has suggested a national mask mandate, which I think is a good idea, but our “President” keeps saying, against all odds, that we’re “rounding the turn” on the pandemic. Now where are the data showing that?  And several aides to Vice-President Pence have now tested positive for the virus.

Over at the New York Times, the conservative columnist Ross Douthat has an inner dialogue with himself about the pros and cons of reelecting Trump. He calls it “The last temptation of Never Trump.” Douthat is, I believe, a Never Trumper who didn’t vote for the guy, but it always pays to see the best arguments of the other side.

This isn’t news, but the video below is one that Jimmy Kimmel’s wife made, and which he asked people to share. I think it’s worth sharing. It’s about the Affordable Care Act, and why we need healthcare that provides for people with preexisting conditions. Do watch it. (h/t: Marilee).

Finally, today’s reported Covid-19 death toll in the U.S. is 224,819, an increase of about 900 from yesterday’s figure. The world death toll is 1,155,334, an increase of about 5,200 over yesterday’s report.  

Stuff that happened on October 25 includes:

  • 1415 – Hundred Years’ War: Henry V of England, with his lightly armoured infantry and archers, defeats the heavily armoured French cavalry in the Battle of Agincourt.
  • 1917 – Old Style date of the October Revolution in Russia.

The date was the old Style; in the modern Gregorian calendar, the revolution began, on the modern calendar, on November 7.  Here’s part of the protestors in front of the Winter Palace (now the Hermitage Museum), courtesy of TASS:

  • 1924 – The Zinoviev letter, which Zinoviev himself denied writing, is published in the Daily Mail; the Labour party would later blame this letter for the Conservatives’ landslide election win four days later.
  • 1940 – Benjamin O. Davis Sr. is named the first African American general in the United States Army.

Davis’s son, with the same name but an appended “Jr.”, became the first black general in the U.S. Air Forces. Here’s Davis père in France, August 1944:

  • 1944 – World War II: The final attempt of the Imperial Japanese Navy to win the war climaxes at the Battle of Leyte Gulf.
  • 1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis: Adlai Stevenson shows the United Nations Security Council reconnaissance photographs of Soviet ballistic missiles in Cuba.
  • 1971 – The People’s Republic of China replaces the Republic of China at the United Nations.
  • 1983 – The United States and its Caribbean allies invade Grenada, six days after Prime Minister Maurice Bishop and several of his supporters are executed in a coup d’état.’

If you’re in your forties you probably remember the invasion. It lasted four days, was condemned by the UN, and resulted in the deaths of 19 Americans and 45 Grenadians.

Notables born on this day include:

  • 1825 – Johann Strauss II, Austrian composer and educator (d. 1899)
  • 1838 – Georges Bizet, French pianist and composer (d. 1875)
  • 1881 – Pablo Picasso, Spanish painter and sculptor (d. 1973)

Like all good artists, Picasso loved cats, owned some, and did many paintings of them throughout his life (you can see a selection here). Here’s a Picasso painting of his wife from 1954, called “Jacqueline assise avec son chat.” (You can understand the French.)

And the painter with a real moggy:

  • 1888 – Richard E. Byrd, American admiral and pilot (d. 1957)
  • 1912 – Minnie Pearl, American entertainer and philanthropist (d. 1996)

Here’s Minnie (real name Sarah Ophelia Colley Cannon) with her signature greeting: How-DEEEEE!

  • 1930 – Hannah Holborn Gray, historian, educator, and ex-President of the University of Chicago, 1978-1993. (h/t: Jack)

Gray, the 18th President of the University of Chicago, was the Prez for the first seven years of my job here. Here’s a photo (she’s a historian of politics). She’s ninety today.

  • 1941 – Helen Reddy, Australian-American singer-songwriter and actress (d. 2020)
  • 1941 – Anne Tyler, American author and critic
  • 1969 – Samantha Bee, Canadian-American comedian and television host
  • 1984 – Katy Perry, American singer-songwriter and actress

I present for your delectation (or not), Katy Perry and Snoop Dogg with “California Gurls”. It was a big hit for her. It has over half a billion views. I won’t comment further except to say that I do like Snoop in it. Check out his suit.

Those who went West on October 25 include:

  • 1400 – Geoffrey Chaucer, English philosopher, poet, and author (b. 1343)
  • 1921 – Bat Masterson, American lawman, buffalo hunter, and sport writer (b. 1853)

Masterson, who actually went West early in his life was a gunfighter turned sports reporter in his later life. He was played on television in the eponymous show (1958-1961) by Gene Barry. Here’s the real Bat, whose real name was Bartholemew William Barclay Masterson. He was born in Canada.

  • 1989 – Mary McCarthy, American novelist and critic (b. 1912)
  • 1993 – Vincent Price, American actor (b. 1911)

Meanwhile in Dobrzyn, Hili and Szaron are still not getting along, and, given Hili’s temperament, I doubt they ever will:

Hili: You are lying on my blanket again.
Szaron: Let’s call it a blanket which likes all cats.
In Polish:
Hili: Znowu leżysz na moim kocu.
Szaron: Nazwijmy go kocem, który lubi wszystkie koty.

Here’s Paulina showing Kulka (outside) to Szaron (inside):

From Bruce, a 2020 meme from

From Jesus of the Day:

From Seth Andrews. I agree 100%: my aversion to artificially flavored paraffin is well known, and I love Reese’s peanut butter cups as much as I detest candy corn.

From Titania.  I would add that yes, all people with periods are biological women, though they may adopt the gender of “man”.

From THE BERN; sound up.

From Olen: A tiny kitten with big courage meets a huge d*g:

From Barry. I want to know how the hunter detected its prey:

Tweets from Matthew. This first one is a very excellent tweet:

Is Trump hiding something?

I may have posted this before, but you may not have seen it. It’s wonderful to find someone else who loves raising ducks. Sound up, please:

Sound up on this one, too. Mama Cat is talking back:

20 thoughts on “Sunday: Hili dialogue

  1. candy corn ingredients: Sugar, Corn Syrup, Confectioner’s Glaze (Shellac), Salt, Cocoa Powder, Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Oil, Gelatin, Dextrose, Honey, Artificial Flavor, Sesame Oil, Yellow 6, Yellow 5, Red 3, Soy Lecithin, Blue 1, Red 40.

    shut up and eat your shellac. but no paraffin.

    1. And what exactly is shellac, he asked cautiously…Shellac is a resin secreted by the female lac bug on trees in the forests of India and Thailand.

    2. I am ashamed to admit I love this barely edible confection. I don’t eat it due to the presence of palm oil but if they replaced it I’d gobble this crap shellac candy by the handful. I’m not proud.

    3. I’ve been known to add paraffin to chocolate that is used to coat holiday confections. Keeps it shiny, and less melting on fingers. ‘Candy corn’ is like eating a petroleum product. Also, reeses pieces contain no chocolate.

    4. There used to be wax:

      “Originally the candy was made by hand.[13] Manufacturers first combined sugar, corn syrup, carnauba wax, and water and cooked them to form a slurry. Fondant was added for texture and marshmallows were added to provide a soft bite.[13] The final mixture was then heated and poured into shaped molds. Three passes, one for each colored section, were required during the pouring process.”

      [ ]

      But Jerry may see them as a different light. 😉

  2. It is odd, one of the really big differences between republicans and democrats is healthcare, going back many years. Republicans act as if it was like going to mars and millions of them vote against it every year. Most countries have had it for years. Damn those socialist.

  3. The Jimmy Kimmel and Bernie Sanders videos were great – though I doubt that the people who need to see and be convinced by them will do either, sadly.

  4. Just a note: The Formula One race in Portugal starts in a few minutes. If Hamilton wins he will pass Michael Schumacher in wins.

  5. Looks like duck mom let her pool go natural. I could see green algae. What a sacrifice for the benefit of her ducks!

  6. 1415 – Hundred Years’ War: Henry V of England, with his lightly armoured infantry and archers, defeats the heavily armoured French cavalry in the Battle of Agincourt.

    Reckon that also makes this St. Crispin’s Day for we few, we lucky few, we band of brothers.

  7. White House chief of staff: ‘We are not going to control the pandemic’

    Harris, speaking shortly after arriving in Detroit, said that Meadows’ comments to Tapper on Sunday show the Trump administration is “admitting defeat.”
    “We are breaking records of the number of people that are contracting, a deadly virus, and this administration fails to take personal responsibility or responsibility in terms of leading the nation through this dangerous, dangerous and deadly mass casualty event,” she said.

    [ ]

  8. Loved the cat and the cockatoo. They really speak like that – it is weird.
    They repeat things humans say so be careful what you mention around them.
    We had them growing up in Australia.

    D.A., NYC

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