Here’s the snow leopard!

April 13, 2020 • 11:00 am

Did you spot the snow leopard in this morning’s photo? You can see the reveal below, and I’ve also included one from the site that featured it: My Modern Met.  The photo was taken by Saurabh Desai and sent to me by reader Pradeep.

Here’s Pradeep’s reveal:

And the one from My Modern Met:

I couldn’t imagine that the cats would be so cryptic on a brown background! Be sure to go to the MMM site to see more great pictures of the cat by Desai.

4 thoughts on “Here’s the snow leopard!

  1. It’s the classic distraction technique in this puzzle – looking for a snow leopard, the picture shows snow – so the mistake the puzzle solver is led to make is to examine the snow in high detail, *neglecting the remainder of the photo* – which is substantial.

    1. Yes, and what is particularly clever here is that the leopard is actually right next to the biggest patch of snow, so in area from which your eyes are being drawn away.

    1. Yeah, I want to comment on the quality of the photo as well. Talk about being at the right place at the right time. (Assuming it’s not a nature cam.)

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