Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ The Monolith

July 11, 2018 • 9:00 am

This post will undoubtedly be banned in Pakistan, no peace be upon that vile regime and its oppressive faith. Today’s Jesus and Mo, called “stand”, was inspired by the tweet below:

And so Mo puts the tweet in comic form:

Note to those Muslims who will report this post to their government (even though my entire site is supposed to be banned): lighten up! Your faith is a fiction, your offense risible.

17 thoughts on “Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ The Monolith

  1. This post will undoubtedly be banned in Pakistan, no peace be upon that vile regime and its oppressive faith.

    If it wasn’t gonna be from the get-go, it sure will be after that opening line. 🙂

    1. Bernard Lewis tells us that “alayhi s-salām” should properly be translated as “salvation be upon him”. Perhaps, Pakistan would be even more outraged at JC wishing “no salvation be upon that vile regime”.

      Still, I do not like the misleading slipperiness of the common translation of pbuh.

  2. Given that religious definitions of “peace,”justice,” and “mercy” are broad enough to include earthly destruction, genocide, and Hell, it’s probably fair to allow that every version of religion, Islamic or not, is peaceful, just, and merciful. Those terms no longer mean anything recognizable from the standpoint of reason in the world. They’ve gone Transcendent. Sometimes, disturbingly so.

    Never go full Transcendent.

      1. That’s a thought – I wonder if there are any religions which have adopted a paraconsistent logic or dialetheism for specifically this reason?

        (There are so-called Indian logics coming out of Buddhism and Hinduism which are arguably such but they are motivated by philosophical concerns if I recall correctly.)

      2. I like to abuse Emerson by turning his phrase around and saying “consistency is not one of their hobgoblins.”

  3. “Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ The Monolith”: I was hoping for an ink black, inscrutable Von Neumann machine thingie

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