Spot the Persian leopard!

January 21, 2018 • 8:50 am

(Note: the original title, which went out over email, was “spot the snow leopard,” but this is a regular leopard; see below.)

Here’s a tweet from Mohammad Farhadinia asking you to spot the Persian leopard (Panthera pardus tulliana; I had no idea that “African” leopards were in Asia, which shows how ignorant I am).  I’ll put a bigger picture below, and the answer will go up at noon Chicago time.

Can you see it? (Click to enlarge.)  I would rate this one “medium difficulty”.


And, for your delectation, here’s the range map of the subspecies of Panthera pardus:

16 thoughts on “Spot the Persian leopard!

  1. The trouble I have with “Spot the…”s is knowing how big an object to look for when there’s no standard objects [phone boxes, cars, people, cattle etc] for scale. Difficulty of 5

    It leaps out at you once you spot it 🙂

    1. And out of curiosity about why the P.p. japonensis was only shown on the map in northern China, I did a quick wiki-peek at P.p. japonensis only to find it was recently under review and subsumed to P. p. orientalis, with on site claiming an approximate population size of less than 350. So, I wonder at the validity of the multiple subspecies and worry that in a few years it won’t matter much anyway.

      1. I was shocked by that as well, but not shocked by what Wikipedia has to say about this subspecies: critically endangered according to the IUCN, fewer than 200 estimated in the wild as of 2006, small populations in fragmented territories, 74 known captive animals in zoos. I imagine that the tiny population that was in Yemen, some of which were collected for the breeding program, are nonexistent what with the violence and turmoil.

  2. Not at all hard on the enlarged pic. Ssp tulliana doesn’t appear on the range map, is it also known as P p saxicolor? And I’m staggered at how fragmented the species’ range is.

  3. Easy to find when you know to look for it, but still remarkably camouflaged! The range distribution is fascinating. I’d be interested in knowing more about Mr. Farhadinia’s work.

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