14 thoughts on “Here’s the snake!

    1. It’s actually harder to see in the close-up, because it is so pixelated. The snake is right where I thought it was. But if I hadn’t been told that there was a snake in the picture, I would have remained unconvinced.

      There’s an idea for a new challenge. half a dozen photos, which one has the nightjar, and where?

    1. O, I cannot see it eithet and soooo hope to goodness that I do not happen to meander (too) near by to one; but thank you, Mr John W, for its id !

      I love snakes and have often handled nonvenomous ones (even, as a mama of kiddos, owned for years and years and through triply – stapled bagfuls of its / Rex’s [kiddo liked Latin so, yeah, for ‘king’ although it shoulda been named Regina as it was a she – snake / the State’s herpetologist] mousy groceries month after month a so – darling Eastern Florida Kingsnake) but just cannot handle being startled, particularly by venomous ones.


  1. It’s a Dusky Pygmy Rattlesnake (Sistrurus miliarius barbouri), which is very small and can be incredibly abundant in parts of Florida.

    1. They can be very agressive too. I almost stepped on one walking through my neighbors front yard one day. It repeatedly struck at me. Full body length + strikes. It would quickly coil up then throw itself at me completely extending itself, forcful enough that it was actually moving more than a body length each time. Did that at least six times in a row, very quickly. I decided against trying to catch it to show it to my kids.

      Though grouchy it was beautiful.

    1. Beat me to it. πŸ˜€ Was going to post that I’d zeroed in on that distinctively patterned patch right away, but without enough focus (for me anyway) to make any particular shape out of it I couldn’t be sure it wasn’t some sort of fungus. See not only morels but also some other spp of fungi here with patterns that might look like the one in the photo:


  2. I was looking at what I thought was a snake’s head sticking up and a body snaking away behind, at about one and a half circle diameters away from the circle, at about 2 o’ clock. Am I going mad?!

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