Thursday: Hili dialogue

September 8, 2016 • 6:30 am

It’s Thursday, September 8, 2016, and it’s World Physical Therapy Day as well as International Date Nut Bread Day (a scrumptious treat) as well as Virgin Mary Day, whatever that is. On this day in history, Michelangelo’s David, which many consider the greatest statue ever made, was unveiled in Piazza della Signoria in Florence (1504); Scotch Tape was first marketed in 1930; and, in 1974, Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon for any crimes he committed during the Watergate affair.

Notables born on this day include Antonín Dvořák (1881), Patsy Cline (1932), and Bernie Sanders (1941). Those who died on September 8 include Richard Strauss (1949), Dorothy Dandridge (1965 ♥), and Leni Riefenstahl (2003). Meanwhile in Dobrzyn, Hili uses an idiom which, though apparently common in Poland, Sweden, and the UK, is unknown to me. So I had Malgorzata explain:

In Polish to live like a cat and dog means to quarrel incessantly. Hili and Cyrus led that life of cat and dog for the first 3 months and now they are the exact opposite, as evidenced by Hili sleeping on Cyrus’s bed. So now she thinks that cats and dogs are best friends everywhere and she thinks that Andrzej and I are equally inseparable. But she uses the idiom which means something else entirely.

A: You’ve followed Cyrus to his bed again.
Hili: Well, you too lead a cat and dog life.

In Polish:
Ja: Znowu polazłaś za Cyrusem na jego materac?
Hili: Wy też żyjecie ze sobą jak pies z kotem.
And out in the wilds of Winnipeg, where the musk oxen roam free, Gus is relaxing in the yard, secure on his leash:

9 thoughts on “Thursday: Hili dialogue

    1. That date struck me as wrong also, because of an anecdote I heard about Bruckner, who died in 1896. One of Bruckner’s pupils was enthusing about Dvorak’s orchestration, bur Bruckner wasn’t impressed – he said “If you took two sausages and painted them blue and green, you would still only have two sausages!”

  1. The daily featured article on the main page of Wikipedia is on the first Star Trek episode ever broadcast “The Man Trap” and today is the 50th anniversary of its broadcast.

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