Friday: Hili dialogue

December 4, 2015 • 5:15 am

It’s Friday—another week closer to The Big Nap. Once again I slept poorly and will have trouble braining, but, like Maru, I do my best. On this day in history, the first Burger King opened in Miami in 1954, the “Million Dollar Quartet “(Elvis, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, and Jerry Lee Lewis) had a jam session in Sun Studios in Nashville (1958; see the play if you can), and, in 1993, Frank Zappa died. Meanwhile in Dobrzyn, Hili has become a critic:

Hili: There are more and more words in these newspapers and less and less content.
Malgorzata: You might be right.
In Polish:
Hili: W tych gazetach jest coraz więcej słów i coraz mniej treści.
Małgorzata: Możesz mieć rację.

5 thoughts on “Friday: Hili dialogue

  1. And with Gail Zappa’s very recent death, you can be assured the family is in meltdown. It makes the recent release of this DVD (40 years in the making, and well worth the wait) all the more bittersweet. If you have little clue what Frank was about, this is the one. The is the one with all the right notes in it. (“and boy, is this a hard one to play…”)

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