Friday: Hili dialogue

Good morning on another chilly Chicago Friday: December 10, 2021. It’s National Lager Day, the beer that’s like making love in a canoe. It’s also Festival for the Souls of Dead Whales, Nobel Prize Day, when the Laureates get their medals and certificates in Stockholm, Dewey Decimal System Day, and Human Rights Day (International). News of … Continue reading Friday: Hili dialogue

Saturday: Hili dialogue

There is a tiny Google Doodle this morning honoring the dead of 9/11. It’s very understated; click the screenshot to see it in context . Good morning on the Cat Sabbath, Saturday, September 11, 2021. Because it’s the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Foodimentary has named the day “National Hot Cross Buns Day/A ‘Day’ … Continue reading Saturday: Hili dialogue

Saturday: Hili dialogue

Welcome to Saturday, June 12, 2021: National Peanut Butter Cookie Day. It’s also World Gin Day, National Rosé Day (the wine), National Jerky Day, Loving Day (celebrating the 1967 Supreme Court decision of Loving v. Virginia, striking down laws against interracial marriage), World Day Against Child Labour, Superman Day (celebrating the release of the 2013 … Continue reading Saturday: Hili dialogue

Saturday: Hili dialogue

It’s Cat Sabbath again: Saturday, May 29, 2021, and it’s National Biscuit Day, a celebration of one of America’s finest indigenous foodstuffs (I’m talking about Southern fluffy biscuits here, not the British equivalent of our “cookies”). It’s also International Coq au Vin Day, International Jazz Day, Paper Clip Day (they were patented in 1867 but … Continue reading Saturday: Hili dialogue

Thursday: Hili dialogue

Good morning on a Thursday, March 18, 2021: National Sloppy Joe Day. It’s also National Sloppy Joe Day, honoring a sandwich I haven’t had in years (it was supposedly invented in Iowa, where they still sell equivalents called “loosemeats”), National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day (?), Oranges and Lemons Day, Goddess of Fertility Day, and Forgive … Continue reading Thursday: Hili dialogue