Readings for today: speaking the unspeakable

I’m seriously sleep deprived and am finding it hard to even type.  Like many people, or so I hear, sleeping has become more erratic and disturbed during the pandemic. I’m lucky if I get 5½ hours a night, and I tend to wake up at ungodly early hours. I was going to write posts on … Continue reading Readings for today: speaking the unspeakable

Nick Cohen on the alliance between the British Left and extreme Islam

There are two “alliances” that I think about constantly. The first is one that I’m involved with, which isn’t a real alliance but a convergence of interest. That is the concentration of both the Right and people like me in calling attention to the excesses of the authoritarian Left. For instance, a lot of the … Continue reading Nick Cohen on the alliance between the British Left and extreme Islam

Who, exactly, are persons of color? (And a note on “victimhood culture”)

A modest proposal: it’s time to ditch the phrase “persons of color” when used to refer to either oppressed people who are white or as a general cover-all term for minorities who consider themselves oppressed. That’s because many “persons of color” are really white, or at least white vis-à-vis skin pigmentation, while many people who … Continue reading Who, exactly, are persons of color? (And a note on “victimhood culture”)