Sunday: Hili dialogue

Welcome to the Sabbath for goyische cats: it’s Sunday, February 25, 2024, and National Chocolate Covered Peanut Day, apparently celebrating just a single dipped nut.  Perhaps it’s this one!: It’s also Let’s All Eat Right Day (you know what that means: BROCCOLI!), National Clam Chowder Day (New England style only, please), and Kitano Baika-sai or “Plum … Continue reading Sunday: Hili dialogue

Wednesday: Hili dialogue

Welcome to a Hump Day (“Aso Hump” in Samoan) November 29, 2023, and National Chocolates Day. As always, I recommend See’s Candies as having the best quality/price ratio among commercial American chocolates. Unfortunately, the price has gone up considerably in the last few years. You can even choose individual chocolates (up to ten) to “build … Continue reading Wednesday: Hili dialogue

Wednesday: Hili dialogue

Welcome to Wednesday, September 21, or ਹੰਪ ਦਿਨ as it’s known in Punjabi, where they do not celebrate National Pecan Cookie Day, today’s American holiday. It’s also National Chai Day, Miniature Golf Day, World Gratitude Day, World Alzheimer’s Day, International Day of Peace, and, in Russia, Victory over the Golden Horde in the Battle of Kulikovo. … Continue reading Wednesday: Hili dialogue

Saturday: Hili dialogue

Welcome to Saturday, February 4, 2023: shabbos for Jewish cats and National Frozen Yogurt Day, which some cats like to eat. It’s also National Cream Cheese Brownie Day, National No One Eats Alone Day, International Cribbage Day, World Cancer Day, International Day of Human Fraternity, and Rosa Parks Day, celebrating the civil rights heroine who was  … Continue reading Saturday: Hili dialogue