Abigail Shrier on the Left’s targeting of gender issues

I suppose it’s only natural that if you consider yourself a Leftist—even a “progressive” one—and you get disemboweled by your side for saying something politically offensive to your side, you will get resentful of your erstwhile allies.  In some cases, I think, these people can be driven rightwards, either on the whole or at least … Continue reading Abigail Shrier on the Left’s targeting of gender issues

Abigail Shrier speaks truth to Princeton

I’d forgotten that Abigail Shrier had a Substack column called “The Truth Fairy“, and so I would have missed this wonderful talk (in transcript) had several readers not sent me the link. It is a talk that Shrier gave to a group of students at Princeton, hosted by the Princeton Tory, the Witherspoon Institute, and … Continue reading Abigail Shrier speaks truth to Princeton

University of Edinburgh academics demand cancellation of book on sex and gender

One thing that seems clear, at least to me, is that Scotland is woker than England, for you see more stuff like this happening to the North of Blighty than from its south. But even if you disagree with my assessment, it’s hard to approve of the bad behavior of academics from the University of … Continue reading University of Edinburgh academics demand cancellation of book on sex and gender

Article on gender dysphoria retracted, probably for ideological reasons

I’ve mentioned this result before, but only as an item in Nellie Bowles’s weekly news summary.  Now one of the authors of a controversial paper, J. Michael Bailey, a psychologist at Northwestern who works on sexual behavior (and whose work up to now is well known and respected), has written extensively about how that coauthored … Continue reading Article on gender dysphoria retracted, probably for ideological reasons

Book by election-questioning Republican Josh Hawley canceled by Simon & Schuster

Which is worse, a Democrat accused of pedophilia or a Republican Senator questioning Biden’s victory? I ask because those of you who thought that Hachette’s cancelation of the book deal it made for Woody Allen’s memoirs—a cancelation I thought was bad form, as the publisher caved to its employees, and of course there was no … Continue reading Book by election-questioning Republican Josh Hawley canceled by Simon & Schuster