38 thoughts on “Name the animal

  1. It’s very strange but I guess, like BT above, that they’re wing-beat marks from… a bird. (I am unable to be more specific.)

  2. A yeti. You can see where the yeti started to sprint when it saw Muffy. This should be reported to the authorities because it is a rare find.

  3. I’ve had so much fun reading the answers today! Some of which were really funny, and some close to being correct, but I’m quite certain it was a female ring-necked pheasant — doesn’t have the distinctive coloration of the male but does have the body shape, including a tail that’s quite long and was, as you can see, dragging in the snow on take-off. The odd thing was, she’d completely buried herself in the snow and I didn’t see any part of her until I was right upon her, at which point she emerged quite suddenly. I don’t know why she was buried but might’ve been insulation (it was well below zero), or she might’ve been digging to the ground for seeds.

    1. Yeah, some of the comments were hilarious. Lots of correct guesses as far as a bird taking off, but no “pheasant.” I doubt she was foraging for seeds, it was for insulation + camouflage, I imagine. It is strange how snow has insulative properties.

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