Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ Hebrewski

April 12, 2023 • 1:00 pm

Today’s Jesus and Mo strip, called “beer”, came with the note

That barmaid just won’t stop trying not to believe in things that aren’t true!

Of course the boys don’t like the atheistic barmaid denying their identities, but God’s messenger isn’t even supposed to drink.  (And yes, I did once see a real beer called “Hebrewski”, but I can’t find it on the internet now. There are only tee-shirts. I suspect it’s now ideologically incorrect.)

11 thoughts on “Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ Hebrewski

  1. “God’s messenger”? Oh, you mean Mo’s body-double. I was having a theological crisis (or beer fart – is there a difference?) over Jeebus making all the booze at Cannae.

    Wasn’t the prophet-called-Mo a generic “merchant” before he started to hear voices? And he *really* never “checked quality” on a camel load of wine – which he’d have to sell at the destination. Really?
    If so, that would explain why he left the “merchant” trade for the “prophet” trade. Fewer disappointed customers.

  2. Interesting, subtle little dig at the whole notion that “people” should always be trusted when they “tell you who they are,” which is of course at the heart of at least one other current hot-button debate.

    1. That was my thought too. However, we do accept as wisdom the commonplace that “when someone shows you who they are, believe them.” Actions speak louder than words, I suppose, at least while we indulge in folk wisdom!

  3. (And yes, I did once see a real beer called “Hebrewski”, but I can’t find it on the internet now. There are only tee-shirts. I suspect it’s now ideologically incorrect.)

    Do they still call a highball made with whiskey and half ginger ale/half club soda a “Presbyterian”? I remember when I was in my late teens and a guy I worked with asked me to be a bartender for the first time at his wedding that that was a pretty popular drink with the guys of the Greatest Generation. You don’t hear it ordered much these days, but I think that has more to do with changing tastes in drink than with political correctness.

    1. I expect they still sell t-shirts in Israel that appear, to goyish eyes at least, to have traditional Hebrew square script on the front. But if you stand in front of a mirror….

      Mine has now shrunk to child size from frequent wear and washing, but I can’t really give it to a child to wear!

  4. I’d be happy to accept that they are who they say they are but I see no reason why the son of god or god’s messenger shouldn’t have to pay for drinks

  5. I found this particular strip a bit jarring. I always assumed that, in the Jesus-and-Mo-verse, the boys really are who they say they are. This strip forces me to confront the inherently contradictory nature of an “anti-religion” strip that features the son of God and his messenger.

    Either the barmaid – the rational voice who represents my point of view – is wrong, or Jesus and Mo are a couple of delusional drunks.

  6. “…or Jesus and Mo are a couple of delusional drunks.” I’ll take it! Much better than delusional prophets…but then, delusional drunk prophets? It’s confusing.

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