Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ abuse

March 23, 2022 • 9:30 am

The new Jesus and Mo strip, calledalled “strict”, came with this email note:

“Only wives, and slaves that you actually own, apparently.”

Ten to one this is going to get a big ban in Pakistan. But it shows that scriptural “morality” isn’t to be taken seriously these days, and that proves, in turn, that morality doesn’t come from scripture, but is based instead on something other than the will of a deity or tenets of a faith.

6 thoughts on “Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ abuse

  1. “But it shows that scriptural “morality” isn’t to be taken seriously these days ”

    Or as John McEnroe so concisely put it,
    “You can’t be serious!”

    A standby phrase, for sure. But guaranteed, Sophisticated Theology(TM) is onto it – the “modern” world, being a depraved disaster, ever fraught with grief and pain, a futile struggle to return to that Golden Age from which we have fallen. Which distracts the mind from the original idea.

    BTW I think Mo spoke a typo “a the”.

  2. Ecumenicalism at work.

    Islam and Christianity are in broad agreement with respect to religiously inspired misogyny, now they are just squabbling over the details.

  3. So, what is the Sharia punishment for raping a slave (girl, boy, indeterminate) that you don’t own? I would expect a minor fine, rather than cutting off the bodily projection involved. And a black mark on your record, unless you can persuade the owner to retrospectively grant you the slave’s consent.

    1. I’m guessing, but I think it involves paying damages to the slave’s owner.

      Edit: probably the slave gets a beating for allowing their master’s property to be defiled.

  4. Ten to one this is going to get a big ban in Pakistan

    As was pointed out here, Pakistan became the ‘Islamic Republic of Pakistan’ in 1956. It took another constitutional turn toward religion in 1973.

    It’s a good thing no one in the US wants religion in the US constitution.

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