Readers’ wildlife photos

April 14, 2021 • 8:00 am

Send in your photos, please!

Today we have a set of swell travel photos from Joe Routon, showingw a place you’ve heard a lot about lately. Joe’s captions are indented, and you can enlarge his photos by clicking on them:

One of my favorite countries for photography is Myanmar, so it’s heartbreaking to hear about the country’s spiraling into chaos, with the military killing so many protesters.

My photos show some of the country’s beauty and its people in better times.

Bagan, with its collection of more than 3,000 temples, pagodas, and stupas, is the number one tourist attraction in Myanmar. Most of the structures were built between 1057 and 1287.

Public transportation in Myanmar is not for the faint of heart.

Ox carts carrying families are a common sight. They often travel in caravans. The people are very friendly, and most of them enjoy being photographed.
This is one of my street portraits in Myanmar.

Here’s a young sculptor carving a statue of Buddha.

Burmese shopping cart.

This lady works in the rice fields. The white paste that you often see on the faces of women in Myanmar is thanaka, made from the bark of the thanaka tree. In addition to serving as a cosmetic, it helps protect the skin.

23 thoughts on “Readers’ wildlife photos

  1. You keep pleading for people to “send in” their photos. Your page does not have a “Send me your photos” link. Am I the only idiot who cannot figure out WHERE to send in photos?

    1. Send PCC(E) an email with the photos and your descriptions – the address is behind the “author website” link.

  2. I love these photos! The public transportation photo is fantastic.
    I don’t think I would take it….

  3. Such lovely photos, Joe. Love the sweet grace of humanity from the back of an ox cart that you seem to locate in that magic lens of yours!

  4. I really like the portrait (smoking man). And the facial expression of the lady at the back of the ox-cart is so warm and full of joy. Just made my day better!
    Thanks. Johan

    1. Thank you, JC! It’s sad to recall the friendliness of the people and their appreciation for our being there and to now realize that their lives have been upended.

  5. The picture of the Toyota vehicle loaded up with all those people looks like an accident waiting to happen.
    Tires are bald and it is leaning heavily to the right. The driver looks a bit worried, maybe.
    Good times.

    1. Thanks for your comment. Hopefully things will improve and you’ll be able to travel there. It’s interesting the way countries’ alphabets evolve. I remember our Myanmar guide’s telling us that there are no spaces between the words.

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