Readers’ wildlife photos

March 20, 2021 • 8:00 am

Bring out your dead photos, and send them to me, so long as they’re good. Thanks.

Today’s batch includes travel photos by Joe Dickinson. Joe’s comments are indented, and you can enlarge the photos by clicking on them.

Castle by our hotel in Ireland:

Castle Valley, Utah:

Colorado River near Moab, Utah:

Edinburgh Festival Hall:

Edinburgh Pub. [JAC: I had a pint here, and I remember what I drank: Fraoth Heather Ale, made with heather flowers. It was an excellent pint.]

Entry of the clans:


Inside Passage:

In June we cruised the inside passage to Alaska with Joe’s brothers and their wives


Space Needle and Fireboat Rainbow (Seattle):

Sunrise, Inside Passage:

7 thoughts on “Readers’ wildlife photos

  1. Lovely. The Edinburgh Festival Hall is just a couple of minutes’ walk from my flat! I don’t think I’ve ever been to the Greyfriars pub, though I’ve been to plenty of others nearby. The one time we went there it was incredibly busy so we went elsewhere, I think.

  2. Beautiful shots, Joe! We’ve hiked several times along that ridge where you took the photo of Castle Valley. Love Moab!

  3. Amazing pictures! I love how the first two really have similar general shapes, between a real (constructed) castle and a rock formation. Beautiful.

    Regarding Edinburgh: I was there for several days in the summer of (I think) 1988…but it was with an NROTC “training cruise” (not exactly onerous, going to Scotland and England and getting to wander around). Unfortunately, I’d had no idea that we would have so much free time when in port, so I brought almost NO money. However, regular sailors seemed to enjoy seeing “midshipmen” get drunk, so many of them bought me drinks. It was an amazing city, but my favorite thing was to walk all the way to and up the BIG hill (I’m sure it has a name) down at one end of the city and just look out over Edinburgh.

    And an ongoing complaint of mine: Why don’t we have ales like Fraoth Heather Ale in the U.S.? Why is effing Bud Light so popular here, when it’s like sex in a canoe? What is wrong with us?

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