Site update #3

May 30, 2020 • 6:43 pm

I think WordPress has fixed most of the glitches on this site, whose address is now

The old link, will redirect to the domain above.

You may have to enter your email and name again when starting to post, but we will see. If you experience any problems, please describe them in the comments below rather than emailing me.

As always, I do my best.

Happy Saturday!

61 thoughts on “Site update #3

  1. I am having problems with some of your posts when I try to go to the website (not with this post, though, strangely) I am getting a blank screen with this message: “Warning! Domain mapping upgrade for this domain not found. Please log in and go to the Domains Upgrades page of your blog to use this domain. ”
    And no photos appear in the posts themselves.

      1. I am not using any bookmarks. I am just clicking on the post’s heading in the email, which always just took you to the post on the website.

        1. I’m having the same problem if I click on the heading in the email. But my old bookmark is now working again.

      1. Ditto on both “WordPress thingy” and the ;login issue. On the plus side I can see the topiary cat pictures that were missing earlier.

  2. I just have a general comment/random question to make my “test” to see how the website is working.

    Jerry, remember when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, and towards the end, Saddam Purposely ordered the oil caps Of Kuwaits oil wells to be destroyed and set on fire?
    Do you see a similar trait with the way Donald Trump is
    and Trumps desire to make things worse and cause a “spectacle” no matter what?

  3. Having same problems as Paul and Susan.

    Site update #2 email came through as an email from instead of Why Evolution is True

      1. Yup. A recommendation on priorities–

        1. Ducks

        2 Dinner

        3. Rest

        4. Ducks

        %. HTTPS

        6. Ducks

        7. Everything else after checking on the ducks again.

        1. I am not having any issues with the site, on the other side of the Pacific pond.

          Was advised of a new word to learn today but nowhere to put into practice, but thought I may share:

          quack·salver|ˈkwækˌsæl vər
          quacksalver (Noun)

          One falsely claiming to possess medical or other skills, especially one who dispenses potions, ointments, etc. supposedly having curative powers.

          Please delete if not appropriate.

  4. Testing for whatever might happen.
    But, as long as we’re here, let’s see what happens when Simon and Garfunkel walk out in front of a truck.

    1. Since it’s Saturday night, do please also check out the album “Magnetic Islands” from Captain Coustou. Nothing at all like the metal-meets-folk-pop above. Kind of Caribbean French jazz salsa. It’s definitely on Tidal and Bandcamp. (Where I found it. Masochists are free to search my name at and explore my favorites and wishlist. Searching “photozetetic” there is a quicker path.)

      Apologies to our host for the intrusion, but it just seemed like one of those threads.

      1. Everything was totally normal for me, BTW, no apparent difference once the URL was changed. No new log-in or anything required.

      1. I didn’t the first time but had to mess with it to add my comment here….by mess with it I mean I went to the Reader view of the Word Press site instead of the web site.

  5. Some hours later, still getting the “Warning! Domain mapping upgrade for this domain not found. Please log in and go to the Domains Upgrades page of your blog to use this domain. ” message. I am not using bookmarks, I am clicking on the email’s topic heading as I always have.

    1. Also, it might help to let you know what browsers we are using? Mine is version 76.0.1 Mozilla Firefox.

    1. Susan: good idea. I’m right now using Mozilla Firefox v.76.0.1 also. However, I’ve noticed several sites recently on which some items (such as buttons to click or enter text) don’t work with it, so I also have Chromium, Chrome and Brave as alternates. I ran the website for a major health organization years ago, but the tools for building them have all changed considerably since (I mostly used just a text editor to build HTML pages), so I don’t think I could help Jerry now.

  6. I couldn’t open the last few posts, but I am seeing this one! I can no longer use the Like button that appears directly below the post and above the comments. When I click it, a small white box appears then disappears. I think my comments still work, but I won’t know for sure until after I post this. I’m using the Safari browser. Thanks!!

  7. Interestingly, I couldn’t see my own comment when I was on your site, but now that I’m logged in separately through my site, I can see it, and I was able to click Like. However, I can’t see your nice formatting. I tried to take a screenshot to show you what I’m seeing, but I was unable to attach it. I can email it to you if you want. The URL I’m currently reading this on is (if that helps).

      1. Maybe you have to be re-accepted by the proprietor as we were when originally joining comments.

          1. Perhaps a note to the proprietor requesting reinstatement as a commenter? Somehow you fell off the list.

          2. I should have specified that I have to go through the whole rigamarole every time…

  8. The old link, will redirect to the domain above.

    I get the “Warning! Domain mapping upgrade for this domain not found. Please log in and go to the Domains Upgrades page of your blog to use this domain.” thing when I click that. Found the new page ( by googling. That’s how I know it’s now here.

    1. Here’s what I had to do: Google search for “Why Evolution Is True by Jerry Coyne” (previous searches for WEIT, where is WEIT website, led to listings for the book or book reviews or a link to the old site with Warning!). The resulting list had one item showing the site’s subsections (some of which were lightened, showing that other searchers had clicked them). I clicked on Archive and reached the familiar red bar format, but with Hili Dialogues, etc., shown as separate items with preview text. So, now have to click on each item to access the full story with pictures and Comments.
      I’m glad to have found the new site to bookmark it, but don’t like the separate items format, which I’ve seen on other websites. BUT I’LL GET USED TO IT! I’m so happy to have WEIT back! Thank you, PCC(E)! Mwah, mwah, mway!!!

  9. It all seems to be working well now. Unfortunately for me the WordPress changes happened just as I abandoned Waterfox (Firefox lookalike) in favour of the new MS Edge browser, so I was initially convinced that Edge was the cause of my problems. It’s never easy making a major change to the way you use your computer, but I’m getting the hang of it now.

  10. I’ve just noticed that the book covers no longer show up at top left of the site. There is a link that reads, “Faith versus Fact book cover”, and when I click on it I get a warning not to proceed, or dire things will happen to me and my computer.

      1. It’s a security certificate issue. uses a certificate for other sites, and that is not valid for that domain. So the browser objects because it can not connect securely, despite the https in the url. The connection is encrypted, but there is an identity issue. Maybe whoever is running could sort this out?

  11. FWIW, I am still required to log in to comment. I can bypass this inconvenience by accessing WEIT directly through WordPress. The experience isn’t as good. Also, the WordPress connector in the upper right hand corner has gone. I use ipad ios to view WEIT.

  12. I’m using Mozilla Firefox v.76.0.1, as I mentioned in my comment to Susan Davies, above. I just noticed that it has a lock gif with a warning next to the address warning that the site is insecure, despite the https:// url. The detailed information displayed if you click on the lock gif says the images are insecure. Also Chromium v.81.0.4044.138, which I just checked, has an i gif next to the address and if you click on it, it says the images are not secure. Oddly, Brave Web Browser, which is based on Chromium, shows the site as secure with no warning at all. I don’t think that’s a problem, but I thought I should point it out.

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