A few changes that have happened on the site

May 29, 2020 • 2:12 pm

In an effort to keep things the same as WordPress transitions to a new form of editing, I’ve installed a plug-in that keeps the “classic” format.  This has caused a few changes, some of which are bugs.

  1. The URL of the site has changed.   This is permanent and is not a glitch.
  2. The comments now have blue stars at the bottom with the word “loading” next to them. This is a glitch and I’m working with WordPress to fix it. Bear with me.
  3. I may have to approve all posters again as if they are new posters. Or the comment section may not recognize you. It seems that people are getting through without re-entering the information.
  4. All the stuff in the right and left red columns has disappeared. Again, this is a glitch and I’m working with WordPress.

Bear with me; WordPress always has glitches with these things.


57 thoughts on “A few changes that have happened on the site

  1. That explains it! Meanwhile one can go to the WordPress web site and then to the WEIT site within there, and once logged in with your WordPress credentials you can comment without filling out your credentials for each one. *Whew!* I was starting to go thru withdrawal there…

    1. This works, but it’s not as smooth as I’d like. I clicked on this post within my WordPress (Reader tab), then clicked Comments. It says “showing 0 comments” and “load more comments”. Crazy default setting: 0 comments.

    1. A test replying to someone else’s comment. Unlike before, the name of the person to whom I’m replying doesn’t display next to the editing box. If this can’t be fixed, it will make the error of replying to the wrong person, or no one at all, more common.

  2. Just a test! At least the blue stars now say “Like”. That’s an improvement as we were not able to “like” before using the interface that I normally use.

    1. Have a happy retirement – now’s the chance to read all those unread books propping up your ceiling. Just think of it as playing Jenga!

  3. They must have picked up their programmers from the company I use to work for. They always screwed things up good.

    1. I just clicked on that link, but neither my email address nor my username was recognised – and yet here my comment is!

  4. Interesting. My bookmarks in both Chrome and Firefox still are set for the old URL but both do take me seamlessly to the new URL.

  5. If I were WordPress I would probably have gone for the upvote/downvote system, as a more accurate representation of opinion. But then again, I’m not!

    1. Hm, I have to fill out my name and email again, even tho I logged into wordpress.com. I also had to “follow” the new site. Let’s see if my comment is accepted.

      1. Nope, my comment is waiting for approval. DAMN wordpress. They have caught much flack for unilaterally and without poll inflicted their new editor on us. (I have or am responsible for four WP sites.)

        Sorry to make you approve me again.

        I thought you could have WP use the old editor without a plugin. Sorry if this is degrading into a WP discussion. I’ll stop…

  6. Thanks for clarity. I read the Hili post every morning when I take a break for another cuppa, and usually check back at the end of the day, and my security software just went nuts (whitelisted sites only on the work computer)

  7. Well it’s posting OK. But it’s still asking for my name and email every time, which is weird. Anyone got any thoughts on that?

  8. I’ve lost my ability to click Like at the bottom of your post. I get a little white box, and my Like doesn’t register. I’ve had this problem with other sites, but never with this one.

  9. Testes, one two.

    Oh, sorry, you caught me scratching the nads while waiting for WEIT to get back to normal.

    1. So far with this URL and the attendant changes, I find a consistent lag between the time I hit the “Post Comment” button and when the comment is actually posted. However, that would happen with the old URL but it was inconsistent. Consistent or inconsistent, it’s still a pain in the butt(on).

  10. Not sure what it’s called but the distinctive icon(?) had identified your site has been replaced by a generic WordPress logo. I hope WordPress does something about that because they’re using this logo on every WordPress account I go to, the only way to tell one from another in my tabs and bookmarks is to hover over the icon. Then I can see what it is but one shouldn’t have to do that! It’s ridiculous.

    1. At first I found it amusing, then not amusing but instead exceedingly off-putting that when I submitted my previous comment and spelled the name of the company, I capitalized the “W” but not the “P”; but when the comment was posted, it had been corrected to read WordPress.

      I wonder what other intrusive controls into the body of a message written by an individual who uses their platform might the company impose?

  11. have you swicthed off the reblog widget? I was agreat user of that because your blogs were well worth sharing. thanks

    1. Looks like posting works, but the site is not remembering me so, like some others, I have to keep giving my info.

  12. 1. This is poor. WordPress should be able to keep your URL the same no matter what plugins you choose to install. I don’t think you should accept this.

    2. OK

    3. If I come to your new site through the wordpress reader, I can still comment as myself. It doesn’t work if I go direct to your site though.

    4. OK

    FWIW I have grown to prefer the new editor.

  13. I do not find a subscribe button.

    I am using Brave.

    By the way – Brave reports there are four fingerprinting methods in use.

    I am avoiding Safari and Chrome for now… hmmm… might try Firefox.

      1. Isn’t that only to subscribe to the “blog” (aka website)?

        There used to be a button to click to subscribe only to an individual post – hence all the “sub”s that would appear. It’s this second button I mean.

  14. One more try with Brave. Apparently it went to moderation.

    Im thinking this could be due to the “fingerprinting protection” of Brave. Other browsers let the comment go.

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