Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ tolerance

April 24, 2019 • 9:30 am

Today’s Jesus and Mo strip, called “sultan”, refers to the Sultan of Brunei’s new sharia-ish decision to allow stoning to death of gays. The strip was emailed with this message and a link to an article:

Yet again, the facts mean it is not necessary to write a joke. Just state the fact. Yes, it’s another fact joke! I just wish it was funny.

This is a pretty good strip that underlines the hypocrisy of religious fascism. And Brunei’s defense of its new laws would be funny it it weren’t so horrible. The country does really ask for “tolerance, respect, and understanding” for their barbarism! From the Guardian:

Brunei has written to the European parliament defending its decision to start imposing death by stoning as a punishment for gay sex, claiming convictions will be rare as it requires two men of “high moral standing and piety” to be witnesses.

In a four-page letter to MEPs, the kingdom’s mission to the EU called for “tolerance, respect and understanding” with regard to the country’s desire to preserve its traditional values and “family lineage”.

The new penal code, which also provides for the amputation of thieves and whipping of people wearing clothes associated with the opposite sex, was brought in on 3 April, despite international condemnation.

If convictions are that rare, and the practice denounced as barbaric by all rational people, why have it in the first place?



27 thoughts on “Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ tolerance

  1. ‘claiming convictions will be rare as it requires two men of “high moral standing and piety” to be witnesses.’

    Yeah, like, so we’re going to be barbaric, but we’re not going to do it very often, because we’re not very good at enforcing the law, so that’s okay.

    I’ve rarely seen a more pathetic argument.


    1. Agreed. These are pathetic laws written by pathetic people in a pathetic country. I’m waiting for the reformer to sacrifice their lives to preserve real justice in Brunei.

  2. I have an old school friend from Brunei who posted a video ‘defending’ the law. Her point was that no one would be prospected under it, unless they were having the gay sex in public. She ended it with ‘have some decency, people’ and I think the irony was lost on her.

    1. and I think the irony was lost on her.

      Irony and religion often make hilariously bad bedfellows. Rather like Jesus and Mo, come to think of it.
      Since you have your friend’s email address, can’t you auto-forward her each new J’n’M ? It’ll do her brain good.

    2. I have to ask how do old school friends become supporters of religious fascism, other than conditioning from early childhood.

      1. If I had to guess, her being fabulously wealthy, highly educated and able to travel at will anywhere in the world probably helps. I don’t remember her as particularly religious.

      2. If I had to guess, her being fabulously wealthy, highly educated and able to travel at will anywhere in the world probably helps. I don’t remember her as particularly religious.

        1. Yep. Its basically just defending the status quo. In South Africa people “understood” apartheid even if they pretended not to support it. In USA now people defend Trump after he catered to their base fears: “Sure, he may be wrong HERE, but look what good he’s doing HERE . . “. We can “understand” anything if its in our favour.

  3. “convictions will be rare as it requires two men of “high moral standing and piety” to be witnesses.

    How many people that would have been regarded as men of “high moral standing and piety” have turned out to be baby raping hypocrites of the highest order.

    This apart from the barbaric idiocy of this vile religion.

    The religions alluded to above are also vile.

    But torturing people to death, for anything let alone for nothing is truly barbaric.

    1. Agreed. How is barbaric law tolerated in the 21st century? There should be a tribunal to legally challenge these laws.

      1. Oops. Have you not just shown a glimpse of “understanding” something near to home while criticising the same thing far away, by “other” people? Both are 100% justifiable if you believe the books that prescribed them are infallible.

        1. Capitol punishment is, of course, justified in many ways, not simply sacred texts. Brunei is far away, culturally, so I don’t know the entire context. I assume the law is taken primarily from Sharia. I could be wrnog.

          1. “Capitol punishment is, of course, justified in many ways” – ?? Yes? How so? I don’t know of any way in which it’s “justified.”

          2. Can you point to another civilized democracy that employs capital punishment?

            We are alone among them. The vast majority of nations we have this punishment in common with are like Brunei, known for the barbarism of the punishments they mete out in other circumstances as well.

            Oughtn’t the disreputable company we find ourselves keeping in this regard give us some pause about clinging to capital punishment?

          3. I think USians are particularly retributive people. I’m not sure why, but Americans are big on individuality which could account for the view that you deserve what you get in life, whether it be a million dollar income or a sentence to death row.

          4. Odd, though, isn’t it, that no millionaire (or anyone else wealthy enough to afford a fully funded defense, from indictment through exhaustion of all post-conviction proceedings) has ever been executed in the US?

            So much for equal justice for all.

  4. These people know how to reach the highest level of irony. Tolerance with us while we beat these people to death.

  5. The strip highlights what counts as tolerance in the dogma of the Cult of the Woke (COW). No doubt exposing this atrocity and linking it to the scriptures of Islam will be denounced as “Islamophobia” and intolerance.

    1. The “overwoke” I’d say. Mind you, you actually said just that by saying “cult” – I agree.

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