Wednesday: Hili dialogue (and Leon monologue)

February 27, 2019 • 6:30 am

by Grania

Good morning and welcome to the middle of the week. Jerry has guests at the moment, so his time is a little limited. He’ll be joining us later.

First, some recommended reading; Heather Hastie’s new post on her website, “The benefits of a single-payer healthcare system.” [JAC: as I’m largely out of action here till Sunday, this will substitute for a post on WEIT.”

Today in history:

Notable Birthdays today:

I don’t particularly like Josh Groban’s music, but he does have a good sense of humour and while he was in the UK he endeared himself to audiences during his appearances on Never Mind The Buzzcocks.

Hili and Cyrus have carefully made their plans for today:

Hili: Look, it’s so interesting over there.
Cyrus: Let’s take a nap and then go out again later.

In Polish:

Hili: Patrz jak tam ciekawie.
Cyrus: Prześpimy się i wyjdziemy znowu.

Hili’s friend and associate Leon also has something to share this morning.

Leon: I just wish it were spring!

Reader Jerry Piven, who teaches philosophy at the university level, sent this photo noting,  “A student of mine drew this on the board before class today….as we were about to discuss section 125 of Nietzsche’s The Gay Science…” He added that the student’s name was Tyler Chang (given with permission).

.Finally, on to Twitter’s offerings du jour. As always, a little white arrow indicates a short video that you need to click on to view.

Heart-warming stuff:

Capybaras in Japanese zoos get special onsen treatment: hot showers and baths!

The return of auto-tune cat.

Humanity’s at its less than finest:

An entitled student:

And the weird and wonderful world of animals and critters. A belly tickle, and the snake plays dead.

Practicing, but not ready for prime time:

Jerry wrote about a similar species the other day:

And finally, an old take on a 21st century meme.

(. . . . this one, in case you are wondering)


26 thoughts on “Wednesday: Hili dialogue (and Leon monologue)

  1. I was gratified to see that all the top comments on the reddit post about the professor soundly castigate the student who forged the letter.

    1. I’m not sure about that one – regardless of the situation, unless it involved a violent crime or something like that, it seems inappropriate and borderline stalking for someone to call your work 2-3 times a day over a course of months. What the student did was wrong but I think his teacher seemed obsessively and inappropriately vindictive about it. Even debt collectors aren’t allowed to call your work. I’d bet dollars to donuts that there is a history of complaints against this person for inappropriate conduct – that is just not a normal way of reacting to a problem, at least in my opinion.

      1. I wouldn’t surprise if the student exaggerates the professor’s calling work 2 or 3 times a day. After all, we’re talking about a forger here.

        A side we’re missing is the anger felt by the professor at being given a forged note. It is very likely the forgery was obvious. Getting such a note would piss me off.

    2. I have had students (a small but disporportionally active and noisy minority) who fabricate sob stories to excuse their absences. If you listen to them, today’s Europe has more casualties than any war zone. Recently, one claimed to have travelled home to care for his younger siblings and dying grandmother and so missed 11 out of 13 classes. He became verbally agressive: “If your mother is dying, will you report at work? If your children are dying?” Turned out that he had not left the city and had attended other classes, but our classes for his group happened to start at 8 AM and he hated getting up early…

    1. Interesting backstory. Pencil mustaches haven’t entirely gone out of style. John Waters sports one but I think that he’s about the only person who can get away with it. I say person so as not to offend anyone of the myriad genders we now identify with. Us women grow mustaches, too.

  2. The roll-over-and-die snake is such an ham! The mouth gapes, the body rolls, and then with an extra little tickle, the tongue flops. Overacting at it’s finest.

    1. That snake is so cute!

      Also those capybaras. (I assume they’re not stuffed?) Any other animal would regard that as Chinese water torture. But Capybara: ‘What’s that thudding noise on my head? Maybe in a couple of minutes I’ll investigate. Nah, maybe not bother.’


        1. I know they’re not stuffed (I was being facetious). The GIF is not actually a still, the water is moving; just a very brief sample from approx. :08 into the video clip.

          There’s just something so amiably dumb-looking about capybara that makes for irresistibly cute videos.


  3. Auto-tuned cat is such a brilliant concept.

    It should be possible to sample that clip and make a tune out of it. Could even be a No 1 hit.


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