14 thoughts on “Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ da jinns

  1. In C.S. Lewis’ Narnia Chronicles, Adam’s first wife, Lilith, is one of the Jinn.
    She is simply an evil spirit in Isaiah, but first identified as Adam’s first wife in the 10th century C.E. Alphabet of Ben Sira. Lewis’ White Witch is in turn descended from her.

    Not really sure how that’s supposed to work if they’re invisible.

  2. Speaking of supernatural spirits, the bartender is losing business. It’s a pub, after all. She should be selling Jinn & tonics to Mo

    1. Speaking of gin…

      One morning in a fit of pique (sing rickety tickety tin)
      One morning in a fit of pique she drowned her father in the creek
      The water tasted bad for a week, and we had to make do with gin,
      With gin, we had to make do with gin.

      (Tom Lehrer, The Irish Ballad)


      1. 🙂
        W.C. Fields once observed that he had been on safari in Africa when he lost his corkscrew, and had nothing to live on but food and water for two weeks.

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