Thursday: Hili dialogue

October 6, 2016 • 6:30 am

It’s Thursday, October 6, 2016, and I’m off to the Freedom From Religion Foundation convention in Pittsburgh today. If you’re there, and have or buy a book (they’re selling both WEIT and Faith Versus Fact after my talk), I’ll draw a cat in it if you meow. As I said yesterday, posting will doubtless be light for the next few days. I’ll try to take some photos of the doings and post them here; also, there are trips to Frank Lloyd Wright’s masterpiece, the house “Fallingwater,” tomorrow, and I’m going, although photos of the inside are prohibited. Finally, 4,299 people have signed Nazí Paikidze-Barnes’s petitition against women chess players having to wear hijabs at the Women’s World Championships in Iran. I ask you again to sign it if you haven’t yet and agree with the petition.

It’s National Noodle Day, undoubtedly decreed by pasta makers, but also World Space Week, extending from October 4-10: a celebration of technology and exploration. On this day in 1723, Ben Franklin arrived in Philadelphia, supposedly toting a loaf of bread under each arm. And, in 1889, Thomas Edison projected his first motion picture in public. Finally, on October 6, 1981, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was assassinated.

Notables born on this day include Jenny Lind (1820; there are no recordings of her reportedly superb voice), Le Corbusier (1887), mountaineer Willy Merkl (1900), Thor Heyerdahl (1914), and Elisabeth Shue (1963; “Leaving Las Vegas”). Those who died on this day include Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1892), Nelson Riddle (1985), and Bette Davis (1989♥). Meanwhile in Dobrzyn, the animals are guilt-tripping Andrzej into taking them for walkies:

Hili: The whole world is looking at you.
A: I see. We will go for a walk in a moment.
In Polish:

Hili: Cały świat na ciebie patrzy.
Ja: Widzę, zaraz pójdziemy na spacer.

And in Winnipeg, where walruses waddle wanly in the winter, Gus is soaking up some rare winter sun in the garden. Isn’t he cute?


13 thoughts on “Thursday: Hili dialogue

  1. A couple of us WEITians are intending to meet up for a beer or something in Pittsburgh. Anyone else interested?

  2. I notice that Gus is sitting very near a bird feeder — and there are no birds. I imagine Gus’s forbidding presence is keeping them away. I love Gus. He seems like a real sweetheart.

  3. Looks like Summer in Winnipeg to me. Either way, Gus (and Hili and Cyrus) are adorable.

    Great alliteration PCC(E)!

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