14 thoughts on “Goodnight!

    1. I was just thinking…no human can approach this level of athletic skill. Jump so high in proportion to body size. To be convincing, I think you’ll need to submit a GIF of your own.

  1. Once they learn how everything works, they won’t need us anymore. If my cat could use a can opener, I’d be a goner already.

  2. Amazing creatures. Wish I could do that.

    Many years ago I had a cat, Kitani, who had a thing for lights. No leaping like this, but a game she used to play with me.

    I would be in reading at night before going to sleep and she would come into the bedroom and jump up onto a dresser that afforded her easy access to the light switch. I’d tell her “no!” But of course that never worked. She’d turn the light off then run away as I leaped out of bed yelling at her.

    I’d turn the light back on, get back in bed and get back to reading. Moments later Kitani would be back on the dresser. I’d make eye contact with her and tell her “No!” Then I would keep half an eye on her. But, somehow, she was able to determine precisely when my attention had lowered to the point where she could catch me by surprise. I never caught her in the act. I’d just suddenly hear the click and be plunged into darkness. This could go on all night.

    1. Ha, ha, that’s cute!

      They do have a knack for being stealthy, don’t they. One reason I usually tend to have a squirt bottle by my side…

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