52 thoughts on “Spot the panda!

    1. I think it’s one of the bit-players from the intermediate half-dozen or so of the franchise films. Bobby the Fat, or something like that.

      1. All of them, inclusive the renegade Jango Fett clones*, were storm troopers at one time or other. (Else the Sand People have started to dress up.) In fact the clone troopers formed the Empire storm trooper ranks.

        *Confusingly, Bobba Fett is also a clone of Jango Fett. If you want coherent stories, don’t look at SW.

        1. However, surely one of the less necessary spoilers for the current (round 8, or is it round 9? I’ve not even attempted to keep track.) round is the revolt of the slaves in the salt mines of the Empire/ First-In-Series.
          I mean, they’re counting how often your Lee-Enfield Blaster was fired during the engagement? I think people thought their way out of that particular damp paper bag in the Boer War!

    1. He’s surrounded by the dark side so his distress makes sense. However, even although those guys are all packing blasters, they’ll all miss if they try to shoot him anyway so he should be okay. 😛

    1. Han; so she’s SPOILER’s brother.

      She would have had Chewie as a babysitter, explaining why she, who grew up on an obscure backwater planet, can speak Wookie, when hardly anyone can.


  1. While we are near the topic…
    Whada ‘ya think of the new Star Wars movie???

    I thought it was pretty good. I don’t agree that it is up there with the 1st one, but no modern SW movie can capture that late ’70s experience.

    1. I just saw it this afternoon. I thought it wouldn’t be too busy at the non 3D version and even arrived a bit early but still ended up sitting in the second row.

      I liked it. I wouldn’t mind seeing it again in a better seat. I kept predicting when people would get “forced choked” and I was accurate each time….okay it didn’t happen that much but you totally knew a “force choke” was coming.

  2. I think this is the first time I’ve found the nightjar/panda/whatever in one of these puzzles.

    And, happy birthday, Jerry!

      1. Yes, that’s how I saw it instantly. But almost impossible without scrolling.

        The image is generated by slightly thickening the zigzag lines in the appropriate areas. Scrolling blurs the lines into shades of grey, which is when the darker areas become obvious.

        I can also see it quite easily if I take my glasses off, the out-of-focus has the same effect. This is the first time I have EVER been able to see something better without my glasses.


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