Spot the humans!

April 7, 2015 • 7:50 am

We’ve featured Johannes Stötter’s work before (see here), in which he body-paints naked women and puts them in poses that make them look amazingly like animals. I’ve featured the frog below, but no harm in seeing it again. But several readers also called my attention to his producing a chameleon using two painted women, as well as other body-painting tours de force that I haven’t shown before. These are from Bored Panda (here and here); and you can go to Stötter’s website to see more of his stunning work.

From Bored Panda:

Johannes Stötter, an incredibly talented bodypaint artist from Italy, has created a video to show us exactly how his amazing illusory body art “unfolds,” showing us the full transition from the chameleon we think we see in his art to the two painted women that actually compose the image.

It took Stötter 4 hours to design the piece and 6 to actually paint it, with the help of an assistant. He has an incredible talent when it comes to transforming or hiding the human body (we’ve written about his work before here and here). Depending on the subject, he either skillfully hides his models’ lines and curves or uses them to emphasize or supplement the forms he’s trying to create.

Here is the two-woman chameleon:


And a video showing it “walking,” and how the bodies are arranged to create the illusion:

A five-woman frog we’ve seen before:


And how the frog was made and posed:

Can you spot the cryptic human? (The leaves on her body are, of course, painted):




19 thoughts on “Spot the humans!

  1. This is beyond my capacity for artistic imagination. Even after seeing, I could not even contemplate accomplishing something similar.

    1. I was aiming for speechless, but the HTML fail that made the comment empty was a bit cryptic…

  2. These are very cool indeed! In fact, I think this is an acceptable occasion for a Totes Amazeballs! 🙂

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