Eugenie Clark dies, NYT gets one fact wrong

February 26, 2015 • 2:30 pm

Eugenie Clark, a famous marine biologist who was a prolific scholar and popular writer, and my one-time colleague at the University of Maryland, has died of lung cancer at the age of 92. She was a very nice person, though I didn’t know her well as she was frequently absent from campus, giving lectures around the world and making dives. She was diagnosed with lung cancer eleven years ago, but fortunately survived far longer than expected.

The New York Times obituary on Clark is a good account of her life and work, but there’s one small error at the end. Can you spot it?

Screen Shot 2015-02-26 at 10.03.21 AM

131 thoughts on “Eugenie Clark dies, NYT gets one fact wrong

  1. She turned 86 on her 87th birthday.

    (She was 0 on her first birthday – the actual day of her birth. She turned 1 on her second birthday… and so on.)

    So, if she did it again when she was 88 (her 89th birthday) it was two years later??

    Not exactly a mistake, but misleading.

      1. I don’t think he did. Achilles is the name, not Achille. In which case, to indicate ownership correctly, it should be Achilles’s but, although often thought to apply only to instances of plural ownership, where a proper noun ends with an s then a simple trailing apostrophe is quite acceptable.

        An apostrophe between the e and the s of Achilles’s (or Achilles’) name is most definitely not correct.

          1. You don’t see the Narwhal song as annoying? I saw it in a TV ad and the purpose of said ad was to put the annoying song in your head.

          2. Yes, it’s annoying, but what does it have to do with apostrophes? And what’s the un-clean narwhal song?

          3. Merilee,

            Apostrophes? I had forgotten that thread started with apostrophes.

            But it ‘er, evolved, into

            “porpoise” -> “whale” -> “Cetacean” -> “Orcay” -> “Right” (as in Right Whale) -> “shrimp” (that Diane always has to be a rebel) -> “prawn” (following Diane’s lead) -> (I haven’t sussed Ant’s comment, he’s way above my paygrade when it comes to this stuff) -> “scampy” -> “Lobster” -> (you brought it back to whales Merilee!) -> “Thar she blows!” -> “Fin!” (as in Fin Whale) -> “Nawwr” (as in Narwhal mutilated by someone with a horrible accent that makes is sound like “naww” as in “no”) -> “whal” (finishing off what I started) -> BRAIN EATING EAR WORM!

          4. Brilliant parsing, darrelle. And here I had thought the fin was going to mean FIN like at the end of Afrench movies. How naïve of moi:-)

          5. My only regret is that we didn’t find a use for every Cetacean, which would have been great. When the commenters start with the animal puns, they wind up in some gray areas – that’s just how baleen!

          6. Luckily, for that there is no particular price to be pod. So you think he’ll do it again for free, willy?

            I hope this doesn’t cause Diana to Flipper wig … that’d be a shamu.

          7. I’m just a crushed, aging humorist …

            (I haven’t sussed Ant’s comment, he’s way above my paygrade when it comes to this stuff)

            Think decapod…

          8. Regarding the possessive form of multi-syllable names ending in “s”, I tend to go with how it is pronounced (in keeping with Samuel Johnson’s dictum that “the pen must at length comply with the tongue”).

            Thus, I would go with “Sam Harris’s book,” but probably with “Christopher Hitchens’ polemic.” I could go either way on “Richard Dawkins’ tweet” (though how I wish he would stop writing them!)

    1. I would have had it if I had seen this post sooner.

      Eugenie Clark is at least 25-30% of the reason I’m a biologist. I was fascinated by sharks as a kid and read all of her popular science books and popular science books that cited her work. I never ended up doing any work with sharks, but still primarily study fish ecology.

      1. Doctor Who paid tribute to the “excuse my friend, he’s from Barcelona” line when Doctor 10 wakes up from regeneration in his very Arthur Dent outfit (also paid tribute to Hitchhiker’s Guide).

        1. Adams was a script editor and writer in the Tom Baker era – and in “City of Death” (one that Adams penned), Basil Fawlty … um, John Cleese and Eleanor Bron playe a pair of art critics in a gallery in Paris who are admiring the TARDIS (which they think to be a piece of art), when the Doctor (Tom Baker), Romana (Lalla Ward – Richard Dawkins’s wife; it’s all connected!) and Duggan (Tom Chadbon) rush into it and it dematerialises. Bron’s character, believing this to be part of the work, states that it is “Exquisite, absolutely exquisite!”

          [detail from Wp]


    1. Oh yes that must be it! Achilles was held by his heel when his mum dipped him in the River Styx, but we all have an Achilles tendon. I was blinded to it because of my Classics background.

      1. It’s not even her heel – it’s Achilles’s heel! He’s going to be pissed – “I lend you my heel for one day & you ruin it!!”

    1. Suggested, but I still call unclear, if not a non sequitur. As in, ” he stopped driving, but the toothache persisted.”

      I couldn’t have got away with that in freshman comp.

  2. My excuse is that Jerry said ‘at the end’ and I assumed he meant ‘at the end of the excerpt’. So it was clearly unfair, and I would’ve got it if only Jerry had explained what he meant to me in minute detail. Essentially, everyone who got it right cheated, and I think we can all agree on that.

      1. I can hardly be held accountable for my own laziness. How is that fair?
        Fuck this, I’m taking my toys and I’m going home. I never cared about being right anyway.

    1. Why not? Tahoe is a deep lake – 1644 feet deep per that font of all knowledge Wikipedia – I knew it was 1600 and something.

      1. Lake Tahoe is one of those landmarks with an excessive number of statistics and fun facts. My older brother started skiing there in the early 70’s and eventually moved to SLT (then to the growing Carson Valley, NV EIEIO over the hill, where my parents dragged me and my sister because living by the beach in So Cal was some kind of awful).

        Anywaaaaay, my brother could have won the $64,000 Question in Tahoe trivia. Did you know the map at burns up at the start of Gunsmoke is historically inaccurate, as the lake is labeled Tahoe and it was not called Tahoe on maps until zzzzzzzzzz ..

        I so love the area though: we own a timeshare and go at least once a year – just got back from an amazeballs week in fact. AND: picked up some new (to me) facts about Emerald Bay, Mallard duck filter feeding and native vs invasive molluska!

          1. Of course it was!! Hilarious – I am always mixing those two up. Probably because Gunsmoke was on forever, and when I was a kid watching an episode of Bonanza! felt like an eternity. Borenanza! more like

          1. Do you know it’s a running joke at WEIT? If you do and the word still rankles, that’s understandable, but if not you kind had to be there (not Tahoe, the amazing/awesome post).

            It was awesomesauce!

      2. I was going to … errr … plumb the same depths. 1644 is pretty deep by lake standards. 900ft is still pretty deep. I don’t know where Lake Tahoe is (America, presumably), but if it is that depth, it’ll probalby be glacially over deepened. The only one we’ve got in Scotland that deep is Loch Morar – just over 1000ft deep. Loch Ness (of Nessie infamy) is 700-plus, but getting a good measurement is surprisingly hard.
        [Wikis instead of Googlieing]

        Lake Tahoe is the largest alpine lake in North America.[5] Its depth is 1,645 ft (501 m), making it the second deepest in the United States after Crater Lake (1,945 ft (593 m)).

        close call on the crater lake – hadn’t included those in my thinking.

  3. Unless you’re talking about the heel tendon that belongs to a person named Achilles, there should be no apostrophe. Medical dictionaries (Dorland’s, Stedman’s) and the AMA Manual of Style recommend dropping the possessive form for eponymous medical terms (e.g., Alzheimer disease, Down syndrome). But it would be correct to say Lou Gehrig’s disease.

      1. Rather than “late,” wouldn’t it make us all feel better to think of Chris-tuh-fuh as “reunited with Adriana”?

        1. I’m aware it makes people feel better to imagine that the star-crossed lovers reunited at The Inn at the Oaks, or that Adriana was reincarnated as the cat, or that the cat carried both of their souls, merged.

          But they are just dead and gone*, to me – which state is a logical consequence of the degenerate criminality they participated in, benefited from and/or enabled.

          Whaddya gonna do?

          * – Also too, they are imaginary

          1. Imaginary?…dead and gone?!…degenerate criminality?!!

            If you’re gonna assault me with that kind of hate speech, give a guy a [Trigger Warning], willya? Why do you a-teevee-ists always have to be so militant?

          2. I am so pro-TV! And pro-Sopranos! I’ve watched the entire series three times, the final episode four times and the final scene countless times! Shot by shot.

            If I wasn’t clear, my point is that the deaths of the various family members (and Sylvio’s mostly-death) were as I said “logical consequences” of the life they led – as in, gangsters get killed doing gangster sh**t. Not that they deserved it in some kind of Karmic way. I love those f**king guys! But also like I said, whaddya gonna do?

  4. So she’s diagnosed with lung cancer at 81 and fights that nasty bastard to a draw for 11 rounds before succumbing on points in a split-decision? What a warrior spirit! There’s the kind of dive buddy you want when you blow an o-ring at depth during a tricky cave dive…

  5. I always thought that if you screwed up the tendon, you could end up with a condition known as “Achilles’ Heel”, but what’s more important is that I just found out that the good Doctor Coyne taught at the University of Maryland which gives me yet another reason to be proud that I’m a Maryland graduate.

  6. Damn it, the second person who is capable of immortality can’t keep her Achilles heel safe! What’s wrong with these people?

    1. It’s deep down there that Fredo sleeps with the fishes. Wonder if he said a Hail Mary during his last boat trip on the lake.

        1. Yeah, I think when the button man subbed in for Michael’s son as his fishing partner, even poor, dumb Freddy must have seen the writing on the transom & figured out he wouldn’t be making the trip back to the dock.

  7. I was a marine biology major at Maryland from 1977-1979 (were you there then Jerry?) and Dr. Clark’s class on sharks was the best class I ever took there. We had access to all of this amazing information (unseen Nat Geo videos) and very rare six gill sharks. She was an amazing person.

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