And you thought it was difficult giving medicine to a cat!

November 3, 2014 • 3:14 pm

According to the caption of this YouTube video, the keeper is trying to give two baby pandas their medication. I think they’d rather play.  This appears to be from the Panda Research Center near Chengdu, China:

h/t: Matthew Cobb

And here’s a photo of Gus the Earless Cat, just because it’s been a long day. He’s a good boy, and is here pondering the incoherence of incompatibilism.


8 thoughts on “And you thought it was difficult giving medicine to a cat!

  1. Those pandas are hilarious. I think in the last bit, the one was going to bite the man’s bum.

    Gus is cute. I want to kiss his cute face!

  2. He’s a good boy, and is here pondering the incoherence of incompatibilism.

    Shirley, though Gus is unquestionably a good boy, that must be the incoherence of compatabilism, no?

    And methinks the panda vet needs an assistant. I’d be more than happy to volunteer….


  3. The best advice I received for giving medicine to a cat was to use their desire for cleanliness against them: crush the pill with a mortar and pestle and mix it into a small amount of cream cheese. Spread the cream cheese onto a pawn and the cat will do your work for you.

    Somehow I don’t think that will work for pandas.

  4. I’m surprised they didn’t try to give the medicine to the panda when it was alone. Much less distracting.

    “…the incoherence of incompatibilism.”

    You’re a very smart cat, Gus.

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