Thursday: Hili dialogue

May 29, 2014 • 3:34 am
The cat/d*g standoff continues in Dobrzyn:
Hili: Virtual friendships have some advantages over real ones.
A. You’re right, in a way, but sometimes you have to overcome your fear of others.
Hili: But it’s not very encouraging when the other is such a huge other.
In Polish:
Hili: Wirtualne przyjaźnie mają czasem przewagę nad tymi w realu.
Ja: W pewnym sensie masz rację, ale czasem trzeba umieć przełamać lęk przed innymi.
Hili: Taki duży Inny specjalnie do tego nie zachęca.


4 thoughts on “Thursday: Hili dialogue

  1. Let’s see…muzzle Cyrus & drench him in catnip…

    Just kidding! Just kidding! Good boy, Cyrus.

  2. Hili: But it’s not very encouraging when the other is such a huge other.

    Is Hili playing the “get me a puppy and I might accept a full-grown one” gambit?

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