8 thoughts on “Sunday: Hili Dialogue

  1. You know, if you really enjoy cat litter box jokes, you should turn to the pages of The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers comics of the early 1970’s. “Fat Freddy’s Cat” was the king of cat box humor!

    1. When I attended a friend’s wedding in the early 1990s, the present that pleased the bride and groom most was a hand-carved candle depicting Fat Freddie’s Cat in … errrr, “flagrenti delicti” (maybe not the best term?) … the process of doing what you suggest. But in a boot, not in the other traditional receptacle of such … gifts.
      The reception was … well, you can guess. Quite good, considering that only about 5 of the 30-odd attendees knew they’d be attending a wedding party that night.

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