18 thoughts on “Friday felid from Mars

    1. That was my first thought too but as a big Terminator fan, I knew Terminators have red eyes. 😀

      1. Oh yeah? Just how many Terminator cats have you seen? 😉

        Besides, green light is higher energy than red light, and I’d say regular cats generally have higher energy than humans, so I think a Terminator cat might be higher energy than a Terminator humanoid.

          1. Aha. Tiny, so he can sneak thru air ducts, eh?
            Wasn’t there a movie about GI Joe-type dolls that were actually self-aware robots?

  1. In the cat’s defense…the camera could have been a weapon. Lesson to learn: Don’t point things at aliens that they could mistake as a threat, you could get zapped.

  2. I’m curious – did you have to digitally alter the picture to fix ‘red-eye’ in your daughter’s picture? Just this once, it would have been kinda cool for her to have red eyes while the cat had green eyes.

  3. And now I’ve got the Yoko Kano song Cats On Mars stuck in my head.

    Not that that’s a bad thing.

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